Monthly Archives: March 2022

Game of the Week Blog Reflection 8: Specter Ops

For the free play week I ended up playing Specter Ops. The asymmetrical and hidden traitor aspects of the game were familiar enough, but the hidden movement feature was new to me and was very interesting. The agent tracked their movement on a piece of paper while the agents, including myself, moved around the board trying to track him down. Unfortunately we ran out of time to finish the game but based on the game so far the agent was likely to win the game. While I am very interested in playing the game again I wonder if the agent only had such an easy time because we were all new to the game. With all experienced players I am unsure how the agent would stand a chance.

The main challenge of Specter Ops is figuring out where the agent is as a team. You only have so many actions to locate the agent before they move and you have to start over again. Each character has their method of tracking the agent that when combined can be very effective. Or at least they would be if there wasn’t also a hidden traitor. I was initially the most suspicious player of being the traitor due to the agent using an item to sneak past me when I would have otherwise caught him. It wasn’t until just before we had to end that I regained the trust of my teammates.

The unique character abilities in Spector Ops highlights how people on leadership teams fulfill different roles. Everyone has their own set of skills best suited for different tasks. Tracking down the agent requires careful planning of where to look and when to use which abilities to use. The agent also has a special leadership role in how they interact with the traitor. Any open communication between the two would blow their cover. There is also a balancing act of not always lying about the traitor’s info to protect them. Poor leadership as the agent greatly increases the difficulty of the mission.

Touring Ticket To Ride During Free Play Day

This week we had a free week and I chose to bring a few games, one of which my friends and I ended up paying, being, Ticket to Ride. I’ve wanted to play this game for a while so I was really excited to have the opportunity to play, and to have JS there to help our group when we had questions. Ticket to Ride seems like a really complex game at first but it’s not too hard to catch on to. I played with a partner because we had an extra person in our group and I was honestly glad to have the extra help because I would have been confused otherwise. Overall I think I have a good understanding of the game, except for how the tunnel feature works, since I did not use it. My partner Anne and I had the longest train in the game and it was a really fun mission to have and goal to achieve. Other players seemed to catch on pretty well as well, even though it was everyone’s first time playing. If I were to play the game again, I think I could semi-confidently play on my own.
There were a few challenges to playing the game, one of them was trying to figure out which cities the cards are pointing at exactly. Because this is the European version of Ticket to Ride, there are a lot of cities close together and it can be hard to tell which city the cards are telling you to go to because it’s just a dot and there isn’t a lot of clarification. Another challenge of the game was playing upside down. We had to gather around a table and the board was upside down for half of us, and I was one of them. The cities are difficult to read upside down so I needed to get up a few times just to make sure we were on the right track to where we needed to be heading. Lastly, the game could get a bit dull at times. There aren’t really any plot twists or anything, the game is pretty repetitive and I felt like there were moments during turns where players were zoning out a bit. However, at the end of the game everyone seemed to agree that the game was fun and that they would enjoy playing it again. I think because the game is simplistic, it’s a nice game to play with music or a movie on in the background, just kind of a game for a nice chill evening.
Other things I enjoyed about this game is the individuality aspect, I like that everyone has a mission they are trying to accomplish that is secret from the other players. I also enjoy that this game has different elements to it like implementing both strategy and chance. This game is also very approachable for a variety of ages, which is really cool and a hard thing for games to overcome. I could see myself teaching this game to someone half my age, or someone three times my age, and I genuinely believe both age groups would enjoy it. I would like to play this game with my grandpa because I think he would enjoy the theme of the game and would understand how to play it without getting frustrated.I also think this game can relate to leadership because leaders are usually trying to execute a mission or goal, which you are doing in this game. Once you pick a mission, you’re pretty forced to be committed to it if you want to be successful at the game, and leaders must stick to their mission as well. Some missions take a lot of time, effort and determination, which is required in this game as well because this game is lengthy.

Game of the Week Blog Reflection 8- Ticket to Ride- Europe Map

For week 8 in class, it was a free play week. I choose to play Ticket to Ride- Europe Map. I had never played this game, but some of my family has, so I figured it would be a good game to try. Everyone who played that night in class had never played before. Yet, the game play went smoothly and was a lot of fun. I enjoyed us all trying to figure out a strategy that would work to win. I ended up really liking the game and hope to play another version of Ticket to Ride again soon. 

I think the hardest part for me was finding a strategy that worked well for me in the game. Since it was my first time playing I wasn’t sure if I should always be placing trains or collecting more cards. I think this applies to leadership because leaders do not always know if they have the best strategy. In the game and in a leadership role I want to always have the best strategy, but that can be difficult when I feel out of place. Looking for mentorship can help with this. 

I think my family would like to play to play this game. They have played a different map, so I think they would like this one. I hope in the future I can play this again with them because I really liked this game. 

Game of the Week Blog Reflection 7: Two Rooms and A Boom!

For week 7 in class, we played a whole class game of Two Rooms and A Boom!. I had never played this game before, but I really enjoyed it. In the first round I was the President, but died by the bomb. The hardest part for me was not really knowing people in the class. I am pretty introverted, so it was awkward for me at first to talk to people in my rooms. 

Another difficult aspect of the game was when I was the blind person because I was pretty much ignored. Being pushed room to room in a chair was the most attention I received, and it was like people were laughing at me when it was happening. I understand in the game it made it obvious that I was not the bomb or the President, but it still would have been nice to be included regardless. One of my best friends is blind and it’s frustrating watching people exclude her in a similar way in life. This is something to remember in a leadership position. People in your organization will have differences and it’s important to include everyone at the table. Everyone wants to feel included and that their respected. 

I think my Church’s youth group would love to play this game. We like to play large group games, and this is a fun one that gets everyone included. They would also like how no one is eliminated in between rounds so everyone can play. 

Overall, I would play this game again! In class it was fun to strategize with everyone.

Game of the Week Blog Reflection Week 6 Mental Blocks

My group this week decided to play Mental Blocks. The game is a group puzzle where each player sees the shape from one perspective. We had to construct the shape out of blocks within the time limit while also following other restrictions such as only touching one color. Overall we struggled much more than I expected, possibly because we had five players instead of eight like the last time I played. The first shape was easy enough, but that gave us some false confidence leading to a much too difficult second shape. Going back down in difficulty we found some success, but it was still a challenge.

One challenge we had as a group was only viewing the puzzle from our own perspective. We often had disagreements about the overall shape of the blocks that might have been easier to solve if we figured out which side each of us had first. Another problem I faced which likely wasn’t intended was interpreting the shape of the 3d cards. At one point after we ran out of time I showed the card to everyone at the table and we all agreed that the card showed the shape as being three blocks tall even though the solution clearly only had two. While I understand showing a 3d object on a 2d card is difficult this problem occurred several times and with only five players we didn’t have any other 3d cards.

Having a good leader greatly helps overcoming the challenges of Mental Blocks. Getting the players to work together instead of independently is the best chance for success. This requires someone to think beyond their personal goal on their card and to instead coordinate placement between players. While each player has their own goal their trying to accomplish the point of the game is to find how to combine them all to win. As a leader in this game or in real life you must find how to compromise people’s desires in order to effectively work together.

Two Rooms and a Boom

This week’s games have me very interested. In the game, players are divided into two camps: the blue team and the red team. At the beginning of the game, players will get random character cards, randomly assigned to two different rooms, and then start the game. During the game, players have to talk, reason, and send the hostages to the opponent’s room, so as to achieve the victory goal of the camp. During the game, the characters are basically hidden information, but through the sharing and revealing of cards, players can start looking for partners of the same faction, and they may also know who the enemy is. who is it! During the game, a team leader will be selected from two rooms, and the team leader will select hostages to the other room in each round. Therefore, the team leader must have good judgment and communication skills, as well as field control skills.

I got the non-talking character card two rounds in a row, so the first round was really frustrating for me, and I didn’t know how to share ideas and information in an effective way. But I found that this helps me to better observe everyone’s information and the team leader’s judgment. At the same time I found the role of the leader to be very important. Because the team leader will largely determine whether the game can be won or not when exchanging hostages. If other players are not satisfied with the leader, they can try to replace the leader.

For leadership, this game is about communication skills and how to hide identities. The strong leadership of enterprise managers is manifested in many aspects, and strong communication skills are an important manifestation of leadership. Good managers usually have strong communication skills and a wealth of communication skills. Communication skills not only play a decisive role in foreign business negotiations, but also play an important role in the internal management of enterprises. If business managers want to improve their leadership, they must improve their communication skills. Managers and team members should communicate with each other on the basis of mutual respect, enrich communication skills, improve communication skills, and leadership will improve.

Game of the Week Blog Reflection Week 6 Mental Blocks

For week 6 of class I played Mental Blocks. I initially thought the game would be quite boring after a couple of rounds because I thought it would be the same sort of game round after round. What I did not expect what the different challenges added in and that no two rounds were the same. Some of the challenges were a player was unable to talk or unable to touch a certain color. 

I think the hardest part was that no two rounds were the same. Every time we thought we figured out a good strategy it would not work the next round. Each round led us to different issues to overcome. 

This game ties to leadership because in this game you have to work together, but it is easy to be selfish and demanding. This ties in with student orgs for example when the leadership team needs to work together, but they all might have their own agendas of how things should be done. 

I think my cousin Becca would like to play this game because she likes puzzles and games that go together. So Mental Blocks would be perfect for her because it is a puzzle and a game all in one. 

Our play session went well out of the 10 puzzles we did we only didn’t complete 1 and took extra time on 2 before we completed them successfully, but just too slow. My favorite memory of our session was when I found out I couldn’t talk, and I threw my hands in the air exasperated. The player sitting next to me turned to me and said “well guess we know who can’t talk”. It made me laugh! It was really fun trying to come up with different strategies. I liked that no two rounds were the same and how it was a race against the clock. I would definitely play again. 

It’s No Secret That 2 Rooms & a Boom is a Bunch of Fun!

Two Rooms and a Boom is a game that I actually had played prior to class, and it was just as fun in class as it was the first time I played it a few years ago my freshman year of college. I think the first round is challenging and makes people question whether or not they actually can get into this game because it is uncomfortable and people don’t understand how fun and complex it can become. I think it’s a great game to play with large groups of people and helps people get to know each other a little better. Even though you are talking about the game directly and you can’t always trust what people say during the game, you start to recognize people and become familiar with their names because they need to be talked about in order to continue the game forward. Personally, my biggest struggle with this game was just getting started. I felt shy about asking other people to see their cards, and because my first role was the devil card, I was nervous to even talk because I didn’t want to accidentally tell the truth. As someone who is generally pretty honest, this card was very hard for me and I definitely messed up a few times. 

Other roles that I had during the rounds of Two Rooms and a Boom are the shy guy, a normal red team card, and the robot. Of these roles, the devil was my hardest, as explained earlier. I enjoyed the normal red card the most because I was able to show my card to anyone and be completely unconcerned about repercussions because there weren’t any. I liked being able to show my card because then people with other interesting cards were able to expose themselves to me and I was able to figure out the game a lot faster. It is very limiting to not be able to show your card, and even though my role was very basic, I almost felt as if my role had suddenly become very important when I was able to gather important information that others could not obtain or did not know yet. I almost felt like a housekeeper. A seemingly unimportant role, with a lot of secrets to keep. While I enjoyed this role and aspect of the game, I also think my friend Josh would really enjoy this game and would be very good at it. Josh is very intelligent and enjoys strategy games, or games with complicated dynamics that he has to try to figure out, like this one. Josh is very good at reading people, remembering information, and taking initiative in complex situations. For these reasons, I think he would really enjoy playing this game and would be very good at it. 

This game I think can relate a lot to leadership because, in leadership, the leaders are tasked to figure out a lot of team dynamics and manage relationships between people to suit the best interests of everyone collectively. If a leader is not paying close attention to their people, they might miss out on important details happening with their team. In an organization, there are several different types of intricate roles that all loosely or directly relate to each other, and leaders must learn how to navigate these dynamics. There’s a lot of multitasking in this game, as there is in leadership. Lastly, something we have discussed in one of my other classes is that leadership is not specific to someone with a leadership role, but that anyone can step up and be a leader at any time. This is especially true for this game, as smaller roles can end up being very important to the cause and people can somewhat choose to what extent they would like to be involved by asking certain questions or performing certain actions.