Author Archives: vonstebj

Time Stories Week 1

Time stories was my favorite game we played all semester. Due to the many choices and paths possible in the game it ties to leadership very easily. Though group decisions are extremely important like most things generally one or two people stick out as leaders by the end of the game.

The hardest part of the game is how in-depth it is. Notes are very important to remember where things are and what items you need and have. It gets very complicated very quickly. In our play-through, we took lots of notes. Despite this, we made the wrong choice, leading to our character’s demise. Luckily, this is a game where multiple tries are expected.

I’d recommend this game to anyone who loves DND. Role-playing adds a lot of fun to this game, and someone who does not appreciate in-depth games wouldn’t enjoy T.I.M.E. Stories. This game was my favorite all semester and I am hoping to get my own copy to play with my friends when I have the money.

Ladies And Gentleman

Ladies and Gentleman is a game that involves trust and leadership from both ends. The lady must trust the man to take leadership and earn money during the day while the lady has to take leadership when it comes down to deciding what to wear. To win the game the lady must be the best dressed at the ball. In order to be the best dressed the man must make enough money to buy her the clothing she needs.

The hardest part about this game was communicating with your partner. Our play session had randomly selected partners, this complicated things as not every partnership worked well together. My partner didn’t understand how to play the game so he made very little money, this resulted in my lady ending up in a very mixed up outfit. In my attempt to get as many stars as possible I accidentally got a dress made by a different designer. In the end I wasn’t able to attend the ball because due to having too many designers I didn’t have a dress.

I’d recommend this game to people who love roleplay games. While roleplay isn’t necessary for Ladies and Gentleman it adds a lot to the game. In the end, you get as much out of this game as you put into it also I’d recommend reading the instructions very carefully.

Two Rooms and A Boom

Two rooms and a Boom has heavy ties to leadership due to the heavy deception aspects of it. The hardest part generally is trying to remember everyone’s colors and roles. The hardest part for me personally was being a role that could not speak.

During that game I had figured out who the president was, that being said I had trouble communicating it to my teammates. My leadership was therefore stunted due to them not understanding my hand gestures. Eventually I was able to explain it to them but the blue team had already caught on that we knew. Unfortunately they were one step ahead of us and we ended up losing.

I would recommend this game to any large group of friends. It doesn’t matter whether the group is close or just met. While it does get more complicated with more players it adds more characters and aspects to the game. It’s not too hard to understand for those that have trouble picking up directions. Two rooms and a boom is made for competitive and driven groups, therefore the perfect party game.

Escape from Atlantis Reflection

We played Escape from Atlantis and I found the hardest part of it to be trying to figure out if I wanted to play passively or aggressively. The game takes leadership skills in order to convince the more aggressive players not to sabotage you while also keeping an eye on the players who are playing passively. If you aren’t paying attention they could potentially sneak over many of their people.

I think my Dad would like playing this game because he enjoys board games that involve strategy. At the beginning of the play session, one of the players I was with immediately got cocky and was playing aggressively. The rest of my group worked together with the common goal being to make him lose. We succeeded in that goal and I ended up winning by playing (mostly) passively. I was only aggressive when the reward outweighed the risk.

I really liked that in Escape from Atlantis you could choose whether you played aggressively or passively. Both directions could win you the game if you made the right choices, therefore neither method felt more powerful than the other. I loved the board and card design. My only complaint about the game is that some of the directions were a bit tricky to understand, especially the ones about when certain cards could be played.

Fiasco Part 1

We played part 1 of Fiasco and ended our session right before the twist. The hardest part of this game was getting past social anxiety and the awkwardness of playing it with people you don’t know well. It is a game that involves a lot of story telling and acting, this can be uncomfortable and embarrassing if you don’t know the people you are playing with very well. It ties to leadership because it takes one brave person to break out of their shell and get the story rolling. Once one person gets over their initial embarrassment the other players follow. The leader has to show that it’s okay to get laughed at.

I think my friend Damien would like this game. He loves DND and storytelling. Damien has DM’d multiple campaigns for our friends so I could see him being extremely good at helping bring Fiasco to life. Our play session took place in a school and involved a drug dealing cop, a secretary on crack, a science teacher with a meth lab hidden in his classroom, and a school principal in love with a fourth grader. It was very chaotic and the storyline was all over the place, but by the time we go to the plot twist all of the characters had a goal.

I really liked how the game is almost completely up to the players. At first, I struggled with the concept of the dice because I had a hard time grasping how that mechanism worked. While the characters in this game did not reflect our moral values AT ALL, they did come out in some aspects of the game. For instance, anytime the principal was being creepy there was a collective groan or gag. It’s very hard to contain your morals when playing such awful people.

Mysterium Game Reflection

This past week we played Mysterium in class. In my opinion the hardest part of the game was deciphering the ghosts clues as they were very abstract. This pertains to leadership as we had to go outside of our own minds and imagine what someone else may be thinking. The first thing I would notice about a card was not the first thing my teammates would notice.

I think anyone who enjoys playing clue would enjoy Mysterium. They are very similar games but Mysterium is more detailed and the abstract cards are such a fun addition. This game also adds the element of teamwork which isn’t present in clue. Instead of working against each other to solve the murder and its details you are working against the clock.

The first play session my teammate and I didn’t choose the same answer as we interpreted the abstract cards differently. This caused us to lose the game. The second round I was the ghost, I consistently abstract cards that went with the color scheme or had a similar object as the other card. My teammates were able to figure out how I was thinking and what I was noticing about the cards. We won the second game and shared what we first noticed about each card. We quickly realized our eyes always went to very different aspects of the card.

Game of the Week: Forbidden Island

For this week’s game we had two options Pandemic or Forbidden Island. My group chose to play Forbidden Island. In my opinion, the hardest part about this game was strategizing as a team. Everyone in my group had different methods of strategizing so when it came time to make plan we all had very different ideas. We ended up having to share ideas to figure out the best way to beat the game; this is how it ties to leadership. Leadership is not about being the only one to make decisions but rather being open to hearing other opinions and working together.

I would recommend this game to anyone who wants to improve their teamwork skills. Forbidden Island forces you to communicate with your teammates or it is impossible to defeat the game. At first, my team and I kept losing very early on in the game because we were not discussing strategy. Once we started talking we were able to beat the game pretty quickly. Instead of leaving everyone to decide what to do with their own turns we began discussing how the turns could be used to benefit the good of the team.

I have never been the biggest fan of games where you have to work together to defeat the game itself. Being pretty shy, it is hard for me to talk to others if I don’t know them well. Communicating is probably the most integral part of Forbidden Island. That being said it was a great way for me to become more comfortable communicating with people I am unfamiliar with. I really loved the concept of the game and had a great time playing it.

Ultimate Werewolf Blog Reflection

This past week in class we played Ultimate Werewolf. I believe the hardest part about it is when you have to try and figure out who is lying and telling the truth. I noticed that the more charisma you have the more likely people are to believe you. In our particular game, there was a very charismatic man and he made it nearly to the end as a werewolf because he was so talkative and outgoing.

This game heavily ties into leadership. Who was killed almost directly correlated to who the most charismatic person chose. Whoever was brave enough to speak up and share their opinion (whether they were lying or not) was able to take control of the game and lead everyone else to get what they wanted done. It was also important that the self-chosen leader had a first follower, someone who backed and supported their opinion. The first follower showed that it was okay to follow someone else’s lead.

I would recommend this game to my younger brother because even though he is not a huge fan of games involving cards I know he would love this one. He would love the talking and deliberation involved. It would be a great fit for him as he loves taking the lead and talking to people. He’d find the chaos that ensues during the game as hilarious as I did. I’ve heavily considered getting the game just because I know how much he would enjoy it.

The session we played was very chaotic. Both seers were taken out very early in the game by the werewolves. One of our werewolves revealed his position in order to get voted off. I’m still not really sure why he did that. Another one of our werewolves was killed by the witch who was then immediately killed by the remaining wolf cub. Our wolf cub was very charismatic and managed to shift the blame off himself until the very end of the game. It was only through process of elimination that he was discovered and subsequently voted off. Very surprisingly, the townspeople managed to win.

I liked having special privileges as a seer but disliked how quickly I was out of the game and had to just be a silent bystander. There was very much a risk-taking element to this game, you could never be sure if voting out one person would start a chain of deaths. Any kill was extremely risky as it could lead to you being taken out or the wolf cub being killed.

I was killed very early in the game so I didn’t have much of a chance to take risks. As the seer, I had just figured out one of the werewolves and was planning to try and get them voted out the following day. That was a big risk in case no one believed me and thought I was just a werewolf trying to get the blame off of myself. Unfortunately I was killed and unable to share my discovery. This is pretty similar to how I approach leadership, I’m not afraid to take risks and look stupid but I prefer to know what I’m talking about before I try and lead a group.