Sprocle Quiz – Can you pick the Leadership Ted Talk topics and the speakers?

Quiz Link: https://www.sporcle.com/games/ostenbb/leadership-ted-talk-topics-and-the-speakers

When creating my quiz, I spent much time not only finding Ted Talks about leadership, but also Ted Talks that I found to be inspiring. I have chosen to create a quiz called “Can you pick the Leadership Ted Talk topics and the speakers?” which is about a select number of Ted Talks that discuss leadership. These speakers talk about a number of different aspects of leadership such as how it can be self-taught or how we need to be happy independently of work to be a good leader. When I was creating my quiz, I chose around ten different speakers that I was thinking about using and took a few notes on their message. From there I watched all of the Ted Talks and narrowed down who I thought had the most inspiring and captivating speeches. They included Drew Dudley, Roselinde Torres, Margaret Heffernan, Fields Wicker-Miurin, Derek Sivers, Shawn Achor, and Tim Harford. After this step I organized my speakers and my brief hint or overview of their Ted Talk to create my quiz. 

There are many reasons for why I chose these specific speakers in regards to their leadership message and how it could be applied to our class content and games I have played. The first speaker I chose was Drew Dudley. In his Ted Talk, Everyday Leadership,  he how he redefined leadership in a way that made him happier. He explains a story about a lollipop, and while it didn’t seem like a big deal even to remember, and how something so small had the power to change something. Dudley said that “as long as we keep leadership beyond us and make it about changing the world, we give ourselves an excuse not to expect it every day, from ourselves and from each other”. By this he means that we have the power to impact others and we need to start to value that impact. If you are able to truly understand that and redefine leadership like that, we can change everything. This Ted Talk was the most inspirational video as it can be applied to everything in your life. In regards to leadership in games, he explains that by doing anything, such as moving your game piece or communicating a direction you want to go in with your teammates, you are being a leader. 

The next Ted Talk was What It Takes to be a Great Leader, by Roselinde Torres. She speaks on her extensive knowledge of what makes a leader effective and proposed 2 questions that encourage critical thinking. These questions are “Where are you looking to anticipate the next change? What is the diversity measure of your network? Are you courageous enough to abandon the past?” Torres claims that great leaders take risks and dare to be different. Taking risks and trying different ideas, especially in a game, shows leadership and will attract followers. In the Ted Talk Dare to Disagree, by Margaret Heffernan, the speaker talks about how we must have disagreement in our team and promote it as a leader. She speaks on the “echo chambers” which means having people who only tell you what they think you want to hear. To be a leader you must promote and be willing to accept others disagreeing with you. This can be applied in games such as Mental Blocks where we all have a different perspective of the design. Having and promoting these ideas will lead to collaboration and better teamwork. Fields Wicker-Miurin shares how leadership comes from within on her Ted Talk Learning from Leadership’s Missing Manual. She explains that leadership is self-taught and that you could learn skills and qualities from the people around you. Games are similar in that you will learn skills and qualities from your teammates to eventually be confident in leading a game on your own.

The Ted Talk, How to Start a Movement, by Derek Sivers shares insight on how to start a movement. Leadership can be found everywhere, whether that is in a game or sitting on the grass with strangers. He shows that a leader makes the first move, but the second person to follow starts the movement. This can be applied in games as someone who decided to make a move first can influence others to do that same. The next Ted Talk was The Happy Secret to Better Work, by Shawn Achor. He says that we need to be happy independently of work, and only then will we be able to increase productivity and success. This idea can be applied to anything as the main idea is to just be confident in your own abilities. The last Ted Talk I included was Trial, Error, and the God Complex, by Tim Hartford. In his speech he explains the importance of trial and error in achieving success. He also talks about having a god complex, not being able to admit being wrong in any situation, will not bring results. A leader needs to understand that they can make mistakes and to use their experience to try again. Overall, all of these speakers share important knowledge about what it means to be a leader. 

In regards to the actual quiz, I found the results to be surprising. The average score was about three out of seven points. My first participant was Teresa who scored a three out of seven. The questions that she got correct were the speakers Dudley, Harford, and Silvers. I had the opportunity to talk to my participants on how they thought the quiz went and why they thought they got that score. Teresa explains her scoring was because she has only seen Dudleys speech and made educated guesses on the rest of the speakers. The next participant was Jessie who scored a three out of seven. She correctly answered Torres, Dudley, and Hartford and explained that she scored low because she had only seen clips of the majority of the Ted Talks and was having trouble remembering them. The Third participant, Mikayle, received a four out of seven, guessing correctly Wicker-Miurin, Dudley, Hartford, and Heffernan. She explained that she had previous knowledge of most of the speakers and had seen many clips of their Ted Talks on TikTok. The next participant was Taylor who scored a zero on the quiz. She explained that she has never seen any of the Ted Talks or even heard of any of the speakers. Erin was my next participant who scored a three out of seven. She correctly answered Sivers, Torres, and Heffernan. She explained that she had only heard of Torres and had guessed for the rest of them. Participant number six was Olivia who scored a one out of seven. She has not heard of any of the speakers and guessed all the questions. Kate H, participant seven, scored a three out of seven and correctly answered Hartford, Dudley, and Achor. She has watched most of the Ted Talks in her classes and knew a little about them. Participant number eight, Kate M, scored a five out of seven and correctly answered Hartford, Torres, Anchor, Wicker-Miurin, and Dudley. She was our highest scoring participant and explained that she has actually watched all of the Ted Talks with her dad. Participant nine, Katherine, scored a three out of seven correctly answering Dudley, Achor, and Hartford. She has only seen the three Ted Talks that she has gotten correct. My last participant, Skyler, scored a five out of seven, also being my highest scoring participant. She correctly answered Heffernan, Wicker-Miurin, Hartford, Torres, and Silvers. She explained that the reason she got a higher score was because she has watched all of the Ted Talks in her Freshman and Sophomore years. Overall, the results were much higher than what I expected from my participants. I was under the impression that my participants were going to get one or two right besides a possible outlier.