Leadership’s Like a Game Reflection

Leadership is like a game. Think of a game, any game. I can guarantee that for any game, it possesses opportunities for leadership in some way. Every game has ways that require players to use some kind of leadership trait, even if all a player does a take a simple turn. 

Practically every game involves movement. This is not necessarily physical body movement; this can be moving a piece in a direction or taking turns. Games have momentum. In leadership, it is important to have momentum. For leadership, it is important to have momentum because there needs to be some form of progress. Having progress and momentum helps people move toward achieving a goal.

Teamwork and cooperation are great leadership responsibilities that are present in many games. A game we played in this course, Hanabi, is a great example of how teamwork can be present in games. In Hanabi, players are unable to see their own cards. Players work together and support one another so they can accomplish a common goal. This is how leadership is like a game.

For leadership, there is often a common goal. Many people bring different things to the table. Team members can work together to accomplish a goal. By working together and using each others’ skills, groups of people can better accomplish their goals. For this reason, teamwork is one of the most important and valuable skills in a group, and it is important that leaders recognize the importance of group effort.

Leadership is also like a game in many ways. Leaders need to be able to direct and guide other people. In many games, a person can take a leadership role and help guide themself, their team, or the whole group to success. It is often important that someone steps up to lead others.

Leadership is like a game. A leader is someone who is able to respect others. A leader absorbs input from other people. A leader can guide other people. A leader can communicate. All of these are important things that a leader should be able to do. All of these things can be found in games. For so many reasons, leadership is like a game.