Author Archives: domkevl

“How to Play” Video Reflection

For the first time ever I created an instructional video with my voiceover and it was very nerve-wracking. The game I chose to model a how-to video after is one of my favorites called Among Us. Last week, I downloaded the mobile app and played multiple rounds while screen recording and recording audio with a mic in my headphones. I think most of my anxiety surrounding this assignment came from being self-conscious of my voice or my inexperience as a gamer. Usually, when people create videos like this they are pros with a well-established Youtube video but I took this as an opportunity to push my boundaries.

The video requirements were that it had to be 7-10 minutes long with leadership aspects discussed at some point. At first, I thought 7-10 minutes was far too long but by the time I had finished my video, it was a little over half an hour! So the majority of my time was spent editing and cutting parts that I deemed unnecessary to fulfill the requirements. However, removing parts was disappointing because at some moments the video was funny or gave useful tips but I think I captured the best 8 minutes possible. Some leadership aspects referenced were communication and flexibility because whether your an imposter or a crewmate being able to direct the discussion in the chat before the voting process could be the difference between life and death, winning or defeat.

What Type of Gamer am I Reflection

Last week I completed a quiz that determined what type of gamer I am and then wrote a 1-2 page reflection of the results. In terms of the quiz taking experience, I would say that it was a relatively quick assessment and was straightforward. Those are elements that I can appreciate because when these types of quizzes are worded weird or confusing it definitely skews the results. However, I would say my results were a pretty accurate interpretation of my gaming profile.

The results were based on a four motivations cluster model and each cluster had subcategories related to it. I scored high on the first motivation cluster of conflict and social manipulation because when I like to play to win. This means I will do anything to beat my opponents including using tactics like deceit as a strategy. This is probably why I’m so good at games that require some degree of bluffing. I scored low on strategy and discovery because I don’t enjoy games that require a heavy level of thinking or just serve to demonstrate intelligence. I scored relatively high on immersion and aesthetics because I like games I can pretend to be in and that look pleasing to the eye. Lastly, I scored high on social fun because I am not a serious gamer. I don’t play in competitions or participate in organizations. When I play it is purely for entertainment and in social gatherings. Overall, I would consider these results an accurate representation of myself as a gamer. 

Game of the Week Blog Reflection: Fiasco

This week in class we played another role-playing game called Fiasco. In our first session, we set up the game in Boom Boomtown and established boundaries that we were not comfortable crossing with the consent checklist. I really liked the fact that this game required us to have an open dialogue to express things we did not want to see play out in the game, I think this is an important aspect that should be included in all types of games. Our group was pretty open to anything with a rated R rating but we would not allow things like sexual assault, self-harm, etc. Once we completed the checklist, we rolled dice and took turns picking aspects like relationships, needs, locations, and objects.

Compared to last week’s game of Roll Player, I greatly enjoyed Fiasco more. Since the players have such a large degree of freedom in determining the course of the game the plot twists are both unexpected and humorous. I think that’s what I liked the most, never knowing what to expect next and laughing at whoever is currently establishing a scene. The only thing I struggled with the most was definitely the creativity aspect of the game. It is harder than you think to come up with ways to both keep the plot interesting but also ensure that it makes sense.

I think the most important leadership aspects in this game were trust, creativity, and active listening. Trust because you have to believe the other players won’t violate the consent checklist. Creativity and active listening because most of the game is playing off of what the other players do or say so you have to be present and engaged to help steer the narrative. It can also be argued that another leadership element is the fact that players get to decide who they want their characters to be in the beginning so free will is present. I would recommend this game to both friends and family because it seems like a game that could function as a fun night in or at a party.

Game of the Week Blog Reflection: Roll Player

This week in class we used a software called Tabletopia to play a four-player game of Roll Player. Roll player is a roll playing game that requires the use of dice and cards. Players use strategy and compete against one another, the goal is to create the best hero possible. We did this online so naturally, we ran into quite a few problems. Some of them included trouble joining the gaming session, trying to figure out how to configure the proper camera angle to see the whole board game, and figuring out how to roll digital dice.

I think the two most prominent ties to leadership this game has is communication and creativity. In my gaming session communication was key since it was almost everyone’s first time playing the game. We collaborated and helped teach each other the game and offered advice when purchasing skills, traits, or personality cards for our characters. Creativity is also a key attribute because this is the only way to ensure that you have a well-rounded fantasy hero. I found myself creating a character that had some traits similar to the ones I have, but I also used this game as an opportunity to pick attributes that I want to have or can’t have in real life.

My favorite part of the game was earning money to go shop in the market place for anything I wanted. I found the game a little overwhelming because there are so many things to watch in order to end the game with the highest amount of points. I would say the hardest part of the game is trying to find cards for your character when you are the last player to get a turn in the market place. It tends to be slim pickings at that point and you may be left with cards you don’t want or can’t afford. The only disappointing aspect was the fact that we ran out of time and couldn’t completely finish or total up scores. I would recommend this game to my younger brother because he loves customizing his videogame characters and would take the opportunity to live vicariously through them.