Tabletop Thursdays, Week 8: Dungeons and Dragons Week 3

This week in EDL 290T, our class started a three-part Dungeons & Dragons campaign. As discussed in my previous post, Dungeons & Dragons is a role-playing game that allows for players to create their own characters from a variety of classes, races, and backgrounds. A Dungeon Master, or DM, guides players through their journey as they work through the campaign with fighting, healing, and skill checks being parts of the gameplay. There’s room for improvisation, too, since players can talk among themselves and take a story totally off the rails if they want to.

In this week’s campaign, we started off with a fight with the goblin boss. After some trial and error, we managed to defeat him, but not without losing our goblin guide, Rushwater. After that, we raided the crates in the main room and took some of the provisions with us. We managed to rescue one of our bosses and resumed our journey onto the original destination. After reaching the destination, we received our pay and got to level up our characters.

This week’s campaign taught us about how working to overcome one big obstacle can be intimidating, but having your team’s back is important as a leader because being supportive can make the difference between succeeding and failing at a big goal. I’d recommend trying D&D to anyone who likes fantasy gaming and role-playing or interacting with people while playing to cooperatively reach a goal.