Monthly Archives: February 2025

Week 4 – Fiasco! Pt 2

For the second half of my Fiasco game, one of our group members did not show up for class. We decided as a group that this would be a new character, and quickly established character relationships and needs. This time was a little easier than the beginning, but it was still probably our biggest challenge. Getting acquainted with a new member took time, and we slowly but surely learned their play style.

As we went along, we found that the Tilt to be very helpful for our group because it helped us decide where we wanted to take the story. An overarching narrative was established, and the clock was ticking. Because we struggled with decision-making last session, we made it a point to keep things succinct and focused to move the narrative forward.

There were a lot of fun instances, including a scene where two characters had an intimate experience. To preface the scene, we asked each player to make sure they were comfortable with the subject matter, and after clear consent was given, we proceeded.

During one of my scenes with our new character, Tibolt, I was pleading for them to help me cover up a murder. I was given a black die and expected my character to be denied help. But to achieve the most amount of intrigue in the story, Tibolt decided to give me a conditional ‘yes’ rather than a stunted ‘no’. I was picturing a black or white response, but was met with an exciting tint of grey. This was a great example of flexibility and negotiation in leadership, coming up with a solution that satisfies all parties involved. My teammate found a fun way to still give my character something to work towards while also honoring the color of the dice.

Week 3 – Fiasco! Pt 1

The biggest issue my group had was the setup of Fiasco due to our collective indecisiveness. Because we weren’t really familiar with each other and did not know each other’s preferences, we were unsure as to what play set and character relationships to choose from. Who was comfortable being in a marriage or being enemies with another player? Due to our hesitations, we did not reach Act Two by the end of the class period, as JS had expected us to. As a leader, it is important to take decisive action to solve complex problems more efficiently. Honing decision-making skills is vital in a role where you manage hundreds of team decisions on a regular basis.
Additionally, despite watching the videos on Canvas of how other people played the game, the setup was not salient in anyone’s mind and we had to consult the guide several times. We picked character relationships, needs, locations, and objects based on what we wanted, not what the dice pool foresaw. Our note cards were also all over the place and did not do a great job establishing who was related to who or who needed what from who.
However, as we played into our game and realized a few mistakes were made along the way, we adapted. I remember telling the group “if we are having fun, then we are playing it right.” Ultimately, that was our end goal, and we did. Two characters were at the grocery store, and one made an off-hand comment about the amount of bananas the other character was buying. Soon Jeff the Monkey was introduced and became an integral part of the storyline. Being able to adapt to change is another key feature of great leadership. With so many things happening at once, a great leader must be able to think on their feet, embrace unexpected changes, guide the group toward a shared goal, and find success through collaboration.
I would recommend this game to my brother, Matthew. He is very quick on his feet in improv settings and also regularly plays as GMs in D&D sessions/campaigns. I think he would take great pleasure in a table-top roleplaying game where all players are the Game Masters instead of just one.

Fiasco! Conclusion

This week we finished our game of Fiasco! Once again the hardest part was getting the act started, but once we began the scenes flew by. Our scene pace was much faster in the second act, as we began to resolve the conflicts. This act was far more action packed and full of twists and turns. In the second act there are two twists selected ahead of gameplay. Our twists involved plans going wrong and someone going on an uncontrollable rampage. I think that we struggled a bit more with communication and pacing this week. Part of this was simply due to having less setup needed before getting into the game. As far as communication, I am not sure why we seemed less in sync this week but I’m sure it was just a natural variation in how we interacted.
As the story approached its conclusion, it seemed there were less options for how to manipulate the plot, however there were several surprise events. I loved the improvisation aspect of this game because it encouraged creativity and discouraged obvious endings. For example, there were many surprise double-agents in the second act of the game. It was fun to see how each teammate would respond to each other and the plot developments. In our specific case, it seemed everyone but my character was secretly involved in the illegal fur trade mystery that defined our narrative.
As we discussed at the conclusion of class, it can be difficult to navigate situations in which each person has a different opinion on how to proceed. This was not a huge issue for us, but there were some moments where our miscommunication was leading to a bit of frustration when we probably should have taken a step back to get back on the same page. We did manage to keep the game going, but in hindsight it may have been better to simply fully pause the game to have a conversation instead of trying to push through gameplay while explaining ideas.
Overall, I enjoyed this game experience and how every player had the opportunity to lead scenes. It allowed for every individual player to experience being an actor, director, script writer, producer, etc. This game encourages you to go out of your comfort zone and try new things. Teamwork is necessary and yet everyone gets to have a stake in the plot and major decisions being made. Fiasco highlights the importance of leading as well as being active listeners and followers. This game would be good as an acting exercise or a way to teach communication and the different roles in a team. While cooperation may not have meant agreeing on the same plot, it was important to be able to interact with one another to progress the story. I had a great time playing this game and getting to know my classmates!

Sushi Go! Game of the Week

We played Sushi Go!, a card drafting game in which you collect various sushi dishes in order to gain points. Each person starts with a hand of cards from which they strategically select a meal in hopes of accruing points. These cards sometimes have set point values but many have value only when combined with other cards or when certain stipulations are fulfilled. After selecting your card you pass your deck face-down to the person on your left. When cards run out, the points are counted and the round is over. The winner is determined after three rounds.
The most difficult part of this playthrough actually had little to do with the game itself. We had to restart multiple times for various reasons which meant it was hard to get through a full game. Once we got the hang of it, the game was very fun and fast-paced. I would probably recommend having a practice round in which you can see the cards and directions to get used to each of the card’s meanings. My group got into it and ended up having some close scores. There was not necessarily a leader in this game, but we did work together to get used to the game. It was more about creating a space where we could all ask questions and have fun.
This game would be fun for a party or group of friends. I liked that there was an element of strategy and sabotage while still being a lighthearted game. For example, if you knew someone to your left had a wasabi card, you could hoard the nigiri cards so that they could not gain extra points. It was fun to be able to figure out the game as a group and see what strategies each member gravitated towards. For example, some tried to have the most puddings or maki rolls while others tried to stack dumpling cards. There are so many options to choose from when crafting your ideal hand. So if you’re wanting a fun party game, Sushi Go! is a great choice!

Fiasco Week 1 Review

We played the role playing game: Fiasco. My group chose to play the Ice edition, however there are different “playsets” or settings to choose from. This game relies heavily on character building and player decision making. As is the case with many role playing games, the hardest part was actually getting started. When reading through the directions and setting up the game, it seems a bit overwhelming. Many decisions are made before gameplay occurs and these initial choices will impact the plot, characters, and relationships of the entire game. All this to say that game setup was a daunting task and I felt a bit unsure how to initiate the improvisation scenes.
Once we actually dove into the gameplay the experience was much less intimidating and seemed to flow naturally. I enjoyed the player interaction and the way that we bounced ideas off of each other to create a scene. It reminded me of the improv game “yes and” in which players do not reject each other’s ideas but rather add to and twist their interpretations. Some of my classmates expressed their preferences for games in which there is more randomness and less player decision. Personally, I felt like this game had randomness because you never knew how your teammates would react or interpret a scene.
Fiasco requires communication and cooperation between characters, while leaving room for individuals to create unexpected plot twists. One thing that makes this game unique, is the need for different players to take a leadership role depending on the scenario. This ensured that all players were able to take charge of certain parts of the overarching storyline. I believe that our gameplay went pretty well as we were able to trust each other and have fun with our situations. I believe this game would help with confidence in acting classes while making sure that all players got to design, participate, and lead certain scenes.

The Crew Reflection (Mechanics Week)

This week, we were given an overview of various types of board game mechanics and then given free reign to choose one of the many different games scattered about the room to play. Initially I gravitated towards Vagrant Song for its very unique art, but a glance at the rules revealed that it would take quite a while to learn. Instead, I ended up playing The Crew with 2 other students.

The Crew is a co-operative trick-taking game which has some campaign elements to it. I was very interested to see how it was possible to make a co-op trick taking game as the concept initially did not seem feasible! I mean, how is it possible to have a game mechanic built on beating all of your opponents mesh nicely into a co-op experience? Well, after playing The Crew, I have to say that they did a pretty phenomenal job.

The Crew solves the issue by giving the players various goals that they either must complete or avoid completing, such as winning a trick using a specific card or not winning any cards of a specific suit. From here, it is up to the players to work together to play their cards in such a specific sequence as to complete all of the goals assigned to them. Winning each individual trick has little purpose; it’s all about those GOALS!

One player is assigned the role of Captain and gets to choose the first goal as well as play the first hand of the game. The Captain typically ends up setting the pace for the round by nature of choosing that first goal, as every other player must then work around that choice. The game prevents most forms of communication so a lot of the time you are working off gut feelings and card counting. In my opinion, a smart captain will choose a goal that will be difficult for the other members of the team to complete rather than a goal that is easiest for them to complete.

Overall I would say that the game isn’t for many people. While I enjoyed the mechanics presented, it felt like a novelty after a few rounds. The limited communication aspects really soured the experience for me, as I wanted to coordinate more with my team than I actually could. Without being able to talk, sometimes it felt like some goals were completely unachievable.

Ultimate Werewolf Reflection

In week 1 of class, we played Ultimate Werewolf. I had previously played the One Night variant of the game and had played Mafia in the past, but playing the longer form of Werewolf was a new experience for me, especially with the size of the group we played with! I believe that we had around 25 people if my memory is correct, so the game ended up taking a very long time to complete. As someone who had only previously played the One Night version, the sheer length of the game surprised me! We were even being timed at only 1-2 minutes per day, which meant that discussions had to be very short. Now, there usually isn’t too much going on in a single night of Werewolf besides the nightly death, so this timer ended up being not too bad to deal with.

For this game, I was assigned the role of Bodyguard. This, from what I came to understand via play, was an EXTREMELY powerful role. I held within my hands an ability which could completely stop the evil team in their tracks, provided I was smart about it. In the beginning of the game, this was a very difficult task. There were so many people and so many unknowns that I was basically shooting in the dark. I decided that the best course of action was to stay quiet and let the more vocal members of the group draw attention to themselves, at which point I could start trying to protect them. After the first couple of days, the “leaders” of the game were firmly established from a Cupid confirmation chain. They stayed vocal and directed most of the discussions. This let me stay protected for a very long time.

Late into the game, the good team became more clear and I was finally able to start getting a couple of saves. That first save started a powerful chain reaction as I was able to prove one of my neighbors as well as myself as good due to nobody dying. We very nearly pulled out a win but a sneaky Wolf Cub death sealed our fate, as it left me with a 2 in 3 shot of picking a correct person to save, which I unfortunately did not get. Pretty much at all points of the game I felt like I was taking risks. I was always choosing between whether to save myself to ensure my power was safe or to take a chance trying to save someone else to prove that they were on the good team.

All in all, I think Werewolf is a game that has a very broad audience. The basic concept is very easy to understand and the mechanics of the game are not very complex besides remembering different character roles. This issue could be solved by giving players reference sheets. One thing that I don’t like about Werewolf is the player elimination aspect. While I didn’t experience it in this game because I made it all the way to the end, I think I would have been very bored sitting on the sidelines for the rest of the game, especially if I got out very early.