Ultimate Werewolf

In the first week of class, we played Ultimate Werewolf. I have never played this board game so it was a very difficult experience at first. The majority of my classmates knew how to play the game and seemed very experienced. There were a lot of ups and downs to this game but I finally got the hang of it.
The hardest part about this game was how much people and characters had a role in the game. There were a lot of scenarios where there were so many different scenarios to choose from so we had to just arbitrarily choose people to “kill”. My first time playing the game I didn’t know what roles were more important to others so I was very confused about why there were so many different characters.
This game ties into leadership in a way where the Werewolves can control most of the game if played correctly. The werewolves are always seeking to take people out of the game so having that authority and leadership is a key part for them.
I think my little cousins would love this game as it is a game that many people can play together and team up against each other to make it a better experience. Our gameplay as a class was very quick as we didn’t have much time to take our time. Overall, I am not the biggest fan of this game as I prefer different style of board games but it was still a fun experience.