I had heard of Two Rooms and a Boom before we played it, although I’m not sure where, so I was looking forward to the game despite never playing it before. I think the first couple of rounds were confusing because I wasn’t sure what exactly to do, but once I got the hang of it I enjoyed the game. I also thought it was more fun once different roles were added to the game. Specifically, I got to be the ambassador during the last round and I found that to be a lot of fun, and fulfilling as the previous round I was “kept hostage” in one of the rooms and not allowed to go to the other.
Obviously, the main leadership concept in this game was the leaders themselves. In the early rounds, I think this leader did have more of a traditional leadership role because they mostly had to make the decision alone; however, when the leaders were able to find more people on their team they scarcely made decisions by themselves; this teamwork is a component of leadership as well, so I think this also represents leadership well.
I think being the Ambassador was also a good representation of being a leader. During the game, I was on the blue team and quickly discovered who the President and the Bomb were. This allowed me to share with the president who to watch out for, which was helpful. However, my main task was trying to get the Doctor and the President in the same room. This was really difficult because I had to find a way to communicate with both parties, while not knowing their exact plans. This led to the president and doctor being switched in the same round and the game ended in a tie. This shows that even if you have plans with certain people, you don’t always know what the other is going to do and it may lead to unexpected results.
I think the hardest part of the game was the time limit. Thinking back on it now I know what should’ve been done to win the last game, but in the moment there isn’t enough time to think your decisions through. For example, in the 1 minute round, I had to run down the hallway with 20 seconds left and hope I made it on time to inform people of what was happening and make a decision based on that. Another difficult aspect was who the leader was. During the game I mentioned previously, there was a situation where I had to stay in the room for the blue team to remain leader, because as soon as I left the room the red team took charge. This led to me being forced to stay in the room and not being able to communicate with the Doctor in the other room.