Game of the Week Blog Reflection: Fiasco Week 2

this week we are continuing Fiasco because this game requires us to spend lots of time on it. we resumed what we have left last week. because i am not the type of person who are good at making story. as the game continues, i realize my ability of making story is decreasing. to sum up, this game is just a story-making game. people need to make story based their background and logic. however, i realize that people are getting less and less dependent on the logic but more and more on the feeling as the game goes into deep. i have to admit that this game is very interesting, people are getting more familiar with each other when they interact with each other. however, this game is racking my brains so hard. because i am not a native speaker, i need to first come up with some ideas about the story and then translate them to English. i think this is the hardest part of the game, especially for our international student. however, playing Fiasco is also a good way for me to improve my logic and speaking.

as for leadership, i have to admit that in this game, i am the one who are led by other players because of the two reasons: one is that i am not quite familiar with this game at the very beginning and therefore need someone to explain the steps of the game. the other reason is what i just mentioned. i am not a native speaker and my understanding is limited sometimes regarding the subjective other players talks about.

the session goes well because people are getting more familiar with each other and are not shy anymore. moreover, because the other three players in my group are girls and they are good at talking, our discussion is filled with fun and laughs. and forget to mention that the winner of the game is Garrison. i think her story is the most interesting story and her logic is always easy to understand. i think this game is also popular in China due to the challenge it presents. to sum up, this game is really good and i hope to play with my friends in the future.