Fiasco Week 1 Reflection

This week we played the first part of Fiasco and we only have time to complete the first section which is roll dice and select relationship with other players. The special part of Fiasco is that it is a storytelling board game and it also requires some creativity. Since we need to set up a relationship, need, object or location with neighbor, Fiasco gives us large extent of freedom to play. It is also a roll player game but different with the last one, we can choose our character and then create our own story which is very entertaining.

For me, I think the first part of Fiasco is easier to getting start because we only need 4 players and six-sided dice. The first impression that Fiasco brings to me that it is like a preview of a drama or a movie but it is our own responsibility to create the script. So I think it is easier to play compare with Roll Player because we do not need a lot of processes to do on table simulator. The thing we should do is roll the dice and decide and create our story.

With the freedom of setting, our team had a pleasant discussion time, each of us chooses the favorite character and relationship. For example, I choose to be a drinking buddy with my neighbor. However, it doesn’t happen in real life, because I don’t drink. With the platform in Fiasco, I can imagine a different life experience and it is very funny. I do not think our team has a difficult part about the first part of Fiasco, since our process is very smooth and I like the idea of freedom of creation. So I would definitely recommend my friends back in China to play Fiasco.

Lastly, the most important takeaway from the first part of Fiasco is we all need to respect other people’s like or dislike. It is essential when we discuss leadership because respect people’s idea, do not force people to accept thing which is not aligned with their personal value it is indispensable when we create a pleasant discussion environment. Also, a good leader should always consider freedom of creation, let the team member create a surprising result.