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Cooperative Learning

October 3, 2018 welshkm 3

It’s all about Cooperative Learning these days. Think back to your middle or high school years for a minute. Did you ever have an assignment […]

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Team Work Makes the Dream Work

October 3, 2018 seballmd 4

What is cooperative learning? First, lets define cooperation: (noun) the process of working together to the same end. Now, lets break down the definition itself.  “Working […]

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Building the A-Team

October 6, 2017 Dillon Frank 4

Think back to high school, maybe even middle school (in some cases college), what was the one activity that every time the teacher mentioned it […]

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Collaboration Nation

October 6, 2017 Shay 10

In many classrooms, students sit in straight rows, face forward, and the teacher lectures at them for 45 to 55 minutes. The students take notes […]