STEM Through Another Lens

November 10, 2021 mischlml 10

Despite encompassing a wide range of careers, the fields of STEM often display characteristics associated with institutionalized discrimination against minorities. The Current State of STEM […]

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Issues Rooted in STEM

November 18, 2017 johns708 6

Issues Rooted in STEM By: Hayley Johnson Have you seen this? This is a new (2017) Lego set that was released just this year honoring […]

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It Starts With Teachers

November 17, 2017 angelokm 4

As teachers, children watch us constantly and often mimic our actions. This is why teachers need to be conscientious about their actions throughout the classroom. […]

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November 17, 2017 Naomi Patten 8

Repeat after me: I am unstoppable. That statement has power.  Even just uttering the words makes me feel courageous, ready to take something head-on and tackle […]