Author Archives: wuy130

Game of the Week Blog Reflection: Roll Player

In the first week of class, we played Roll Player. I was so excited to play Roll Player before the class began, because Roll Player is not the first role playing game I have played, and I really love roll playing game. However, I met some internet issues during the game, I was disconnecting to Tabletopia after I started first round with other two players. I found that my WiFi didn’t work so I did not able to join the Zoom meeting after then. I really need to apologize to my other two players because they had to play in two of them after I disconnected. Hopefully I won’t meet the same issues in the future games.

I think Roll Player is a great strategy and leadership game, because it’s the first time for some of the students to play this game, so players need to collaborate with each other during the game, they need to communicate to each other, and help others if they need help. Moreover, it’s a good strategy game because players need to consider what they’re going to buy from the store, and what cards or skills you need for your character. Players need to think carefully about every decision they made, because your decision during the game might effect your final points.

Overall, I would recommend this game to my friends. Compared with other roll playing game, Roll Player has a rich content and the rules are easy to understand, I’m sure that my friends will enjoy playing this game and will not feel bored. I think the only problem of this game is players need to spend time on totaling up the points they got at the end, and players might run out of time if they they don’t have enough time.