Week 7- Free Play… Spector Ops

This week was a week where we could pick what we wanted to play. I picked a game called Spector Ops. In this game, there is a ghost who has to complete objectives in secret and escape before he is caught. The rest of the players are hunting the ghost and trying to kill him before he escapes. The hardest part of this game was the unknown. As a regular character (I played as the wolf), you don’t know where the ghost is and you have to find him. In addition, there is a traitor among the players and that was easily the hardest part. As the ghost, you have to map out your movements to the point that the other characters can’t find you. Being the ghost was terrifying because you have no idea where anyone is going and at any point they could find out where you are.

The biggest leadership skills in this game deal with communication. The team needs to properly communicate in order to find the ghost as quickly as possible. As a team, making sure everyone is heard and coming to a clear understanding is very important. In addition, each person has a unique ability that can benefit the team in a unique way. As a leader, it is important to evaluate the strengths of each team member and assess when to use each ability.

Someone that would enjoy this game is my brother, Graham. He loves games that deal with mystery and figuring out who everyone is. In addition, he loves games that are fast paced and have various character abilities. This game is perfect for him because he would love the role of the ghost or a regular character. His favorite part would be the traitor element though and that would keep him intrigued throughout the game.