This game seems to have so much potential and I would love to play it again, but hopefully with people that have played it before. My favorite thing about this game is the artwork and the mystery aspect. I felt like I was somewhat in a video game or a movie. I wish that I would have watched more educational videos on how to play before playing because I would have had a better understanding. The people in my group also did not seem to have a good understanding of how to play, and with such a complex game, it’s important for everyone to be on the same page. This game taught me that it’s important to not rely on other people to know what is going on because someone has to take on the leadership responsibility/ role and instruct others in that situation. If there’s not someone who understands enough to explain, everyone is just lost. I think we figured the game out to the best of our ability, and what missions we did complete were fun. There are still a few questions that I have about how to play, most of which have to do with the tokens and symbols.
Another question that I had while playing the game was since there are 4 people playing, what do people do if they’re in the same room? Who gets to pick up the card with the clue on it and who gets to receive the object? I also feel unsure about what the different characters really mean and how our character choice impacts the story. I know each character has strengths and weaknesses but we didn’t use the characters enough to fully understand how that impacts things. Lastly, I think the end of the game confuses me as well. It sounds like there’s a built-in story so I would like to know what about the game is different each time it’s played and what incentive there is to play the game again if returning players already know what happens. I definitely still have a few questions but hopefully, those could be answered if I ever have the opportunity to play the game again.
To be honest, I don’t think most of my friends would be able to sit through an entire game of Time Stories, I think it would be too complicated and too much of a time commitment. However, my friend Josh might enjoy the game because he enjoys video games and I feel like this game demonstrates some video game-like qualities. Josh also likes to fully commit to things he’s doing and doesn’t like giving up and also does not like losing, so I feel like he would be more likely to sit through this game than other people because of the challenge. At the end of the day, I hope that I get another opportunity to play this game and I was a little bummed that my group did not want to continue playing.