For the previous week, we started to play Fiasco. At the beginning of the game, we rolled the dice and start to create our relationships, it is fun to create our relationship. Most of our relationships are drinking buddies and coworkers.
While we create a weird background story that we are on the ice land and I and my drinking partner Yaxin were drinking beers while driving the helicopter, and of course, the helicopter crashed. Morgen was taking a day-off and drinking with Anna, but since the helicopter crashed and it is an emergency, so anna has to bring morgan with you on the fire truck to try to save me and Yaxin, on the ice land.
Well, the background story is pretty interesting and we haven’t yet to approach the tilt in the first week of the fiasco. But overall it is already pretty fun to just create a background story and I am looking forward to playing the game. We explained a lot about our relationship because there was a bunch of twists when we create our story. However, I am still feeling good about our good start and hopefully, the story will end well.