Week Three Reflection: Betrayal at the House on the Hill

The game that we played during week three was called Betrayal at the House on the Hill. This game was probably one of my least favorite games unfortunately. I think the hardest part about this game was understanding the haunt that we were going on. I had first enjoyed the concept of exploring the new rooms, however in the haunt that we had received, or started, did not have a traitor. Instead of having a traitor, all of our characters were supposed to beat their evil twin. It was really hard to stay engaged with the haunt, especially because waiting for each turn seemed like an eternity. Even by the time that class had ended, our game had not finished after playing for almost an hour and a half.

When looking at how this game ties to leadership, I could see how you need to be able to work in a team to explore the different rooms. Rather than just trying to win as an individual, this game was somewhat collaborative in how you all worked together to win the haunt.

I think that my Mom would really enjoy this game because she would really like how each time you play it is different. With a lot of board games that she has played, she tends to get board that it is the same thing over and over again. With Betrayal at the House on the Hill, each game that is played is different, depending on the haunt that you end up receiving.