First, this semester we have two sections of this class instead of just one. So there will be even more awesome learning about games and leadership. That also means a new pair of teachers. The Wednesday section will feature Aidyn Scott and Nick Hutchison. JS and Bethany MacMillan will be teaching the Thursday section. That also means many more updates to the blog.
As we prepare for this semester, here is another look back at assignments from last semester. One of the assignments was to create a Choose Your Own Adventure story. People did this in a number of fun, creative ways. Some used Powerpoint, others used Twine (a storytelling tool Aidyn discovered at NASAGA, for more about NASAGA see our earlier blog), and some just told narrative stories.
Naturally this makes sharing these slightly more challenging. However, I will do my best to share these in as usable of a form as I can. Again, we had many excellent submissions and I am just including four of them as samples.
The House by David Helbling (Twine HTML Link)
I Have A Game For You by Casey Scoggins (Prezi)
Ilosia by Emily Waugh (Twine HTML Link)
Race to Class by Emily Brennan (Word document download)
So again, just a few samples of the amazing creative work done by the students in Tabletop Games and Leadership. Now as we start a new semester we have a new batch of amazing students to work with. I may still share some of the assignments from last semester but there will be ones from this semester joining in as well!