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Why should we care?

April 22, 2018 Shay 4

The last lesson I taught at my field featured a video of scientists tagging sharks to estimate population sizes. Once the video ended, I had […]

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Make Me Excited

April 1, 2018 Shay 4

Getting students engaged with a lesson can be the hardest thing about teaching. You can come up with the most engaging things possible, and then […]

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What am I good at?

February 16, 2018 Shay 6

“But I’m not good at anything.” “But I’m not creative.” “But I’m not smart.” These are excuses you will hear every day in a classroom. […]

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Child Leaders

February 8, 2018 Shay 3

  Which of these beaches would you rather go to? Unfortunately, more of our beaches are becoming like the littered beach on the left. Humans […]

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November 28, 2017 Shay 2

Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. There is something that is so special about the combination of all of these things that makes wonderful things. […]

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Head Spinning

November 9, 2017 Shay 3

Thinking about thinking can really make your head spin. Thinking about other people’s thinking can be even more daunting. This daunting task is something that […]

Take me to Africa

October 17, 2017 Shay 4

My grandparents were avid world travelers when I was younger. Every time they would come home from a trip they would show me their pictures […]

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Collaboration Nation

October 6, 2017 Shay 10

In many classrooms, students sit in straight rows, face forward, and the teacher lectures at them for 45 to 55 minutes. The students take notes […]