A weekly summary of major news stories from reliable Russian sources. They are intended to provide an understanding of the current agenda in Russia.
*A majority of the articles are in Russian.
http://top.rbc.ru/economics/23/09/2014/950788.shtml The new law introduced to Duma will allow those, who have their assets frozen by foreign or international court, to get a compensation from the state budget. The state may seize property of the country, which introduced the initial judgement to compensate losses.
http://w-o-s.ru/news/11092 Muscovites are offered to exchange “pro-western” t-shirts for “patriotic”, with slogans like “You can’t scare our Topol with your sanctions” (Topol – is a new Russian intercontinental ballistic missile)
http://www.zona.media/agenda/ne-pytaytes-pokinut-rossiyu/ Do not try to leave Russia. Several Russian delegates to UN World Conference on Indigenous Peoples could not leave Russia for various reasons. All of them claim, that FSB was involved.
http://slon.ru/fast/economics/vsemirnyy-bank-predrek-stagnatsiyu-rossiyskoy-ekonomike-1161890.xhtml The World Bank predicts stagnation for Russian economy
http://slon.ru/world/novyy_rezhim-994537.xhtml The Other Putin and his New Regime
http://top.rbc.ru/politics/25/09/2014/951127.shtml Levada’s polls show, that around third of population support “Marches for Peace”, held by opposition in different cities over previous weekend
http://top.rbc.ru/economics/26/09/2014/951535.shtml Russian Minister of Economy Ulyukaev said, that he “does not understand” the new lawsuit to return “Bashneft” back to government. The owner of Bashneft, Russian billioniere Evtushenko, is still under home arrest.
http://top.rbc.ru/politics/26/09/2014/951563.shtml\ State Duma passed the law to foreign ownership in any Russian media by 20% of total shares. It puts under question existence of Vedomosti, Forbes and many other media in Russia.
http://www.vedomosti.ru/companies/news/33943741/ukraina-oplatit-gazpromu-ne-menee-31-mlrd-dolga-do-konca Ukraine agreed to pay $3,1 bln in debt for Russian gas. If it pays, Gazprom will open gas supply from October and reduce the price.
http://www.vedomosti.ru/politics/news/33918021/gosduma-ne-stala-vozvraschat-pravoohranitelyam-pravo State Duma passed the legislation, which allow prosecution to start investigations into tax evasion without report from tax authorities. This right was taken away as a part of Medvedev’s “libiralisation of Criminal Code”, since it gives prosecutors too much power over business.