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Tasting the Soviet Past

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Note:  Students in Stephen Norris’s class HST 375, A History of the Soviet Union, prepared classic Soviet dishes and brought them to Miami’s Western Lodge for an April feast.   Inspired by Anya Von Bremzen’s memoir, Mastering the Art of Soviet … Continue reading

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Tasting the Russian Past

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Note:  Students in Stephen Norris’s class HST 374, A History of the Russian Empire, prepared classic 19th Century Russian dishes and brought them to class for a November feast.  Students then had to write a reflection paper about the exercise. … Continue reading

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The Case Against Brezhnev

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Students in Karen Dawisha’s POL 471 class recently debated the motion “it would have been better for Russia had Brezhnev not died.”  Taylor Valley makes the case for Brezhnev in this response. To say “It would have been better for … Continue reading

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The Case for Brezhnev

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Students in Karen Dawisha’s POL 471 class recently debated the motion “it would have been better for Russia had Brezhnev not died.”  Drew Pinta makes the case for Brezhnev in this response. It is difficult as a citizen of the … Continue reading

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Russia, The Other Headlines: November 10-14 Sergei Guriev claims that Russian monetary reserves will last for 2-3 years. Russia has launched a new international media outlet called Sputnik-news. Vedomosti published an editorial on this new Russian attempt to explain itself to the West. … Continue reading

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Russia, the Other Headlines: 3-7 November The former Minister of Defense from the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic visited Sergey Dorenko’s radio show. This interview is definitely worth reading. “Echo Moskvy” is torn apart. One of its major journalists, Aleksandr Plushev, has been fired directly … Continue reading

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