Monthly Archives: October 2020

Russian Folklore Explored: Peter and Fevronia as Binary Opposites

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By Deirdre Jost In Russian culture, Peter and Fevronia represent the traditional male-female binary, holding characteristics that allow them to reflect each other. Peter, representing masculinity, is brave and chivalrous. In the traditional tale of the two, he was first … Continue reading

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Putin v. The People: A Review

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By Spencer Silbey Samuel A Greene and Graeme B. Robertson’s Putin v. the People examines the manner in which the Putin regime has influenced Russia’s culture and political landscape. Delving into the influences and turning points of Russian society, Putin … Continue reading

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Five Questions With … Jacob Hensh

Note:  2020-21 marks the 20th anniversary of the Havighurst Center.  One of the ways we will mark this occasion is through a regular “Five Questions For …” series, where we will check in with former colleagues, postdoctoral fellows, and students. … Continue reading

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