Category Archives: Russia in the News

Russia and the South: Five Things to Know about Russia’s Relationship with the Middle East and North Africa

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Note:  Students in Dr. Hannah Chapman’s Spring 2020 Havighurst Colloquium, “Russia and the World,” completed final projects where they assessed Russian relations with the West, East, North, and South.  This is the fourth and final project, from students responsible for … Continue reading

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Russia and the North: 5 Things You Need to Know about Russia’s Relations with the Arctic

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Note:  Students in Dr. Hannah Chapman’s Spring 2020 Havighurst Colloquium, “Russia and the World,” completed final projects where they assessed Russian relations with the West, East, North, and South.  This is the third project, from students responsible for studying Russia … Continue reading

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Russia and the East

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Note:  Students in Dr. Hannah Chapman’s Spring 2020 Havighurst Colloquium, “Russia and the World,” completed final projects where they assessed Russian relations with the West, East, North, and South.  This is the second project, from students responsible for studying Russia … Continue reading

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Russia and the West

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Note:  Students in Dr. Hannah Chapman’s Spring 2020 Havighurst Colloquium, “Russia and the World,” completed final projects where they assessed Russian relations with the West, East, North, and South.  This is the first project from students responsible for studying Russia … Continue reading

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Beware of the Bots

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By Emily Tatum The Havighurst Center for Russian and Post-Soviet Studies continued its Colloquium lecture series on “Russian Media Strategies at Home and Abroad” this past Monday, February 25, with guest lecturer Joshua Tucker, Professor of Politics and co-founder and … Continue reading

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2018’s Fall Grayson Kirk Lecture: Dr. Graeme Robertson on “Putin vs. the People?”

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Picture courtesy of CNBC. By Helen McHenry On October 23, Dr. Graeme Robertson of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill came to Miami to discuss the current situation of Russian politics under President Vladimir Putin. Based on his … Continue reading

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