Monthly Archives: September 2018

Defining Nabokov’s Exile

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By Emily Erdmann As part of the Havighurst Center for Russian and Post-Soviet Studies’s lecture series on exiles, “Homesick and Sick of Home,” Miami welcomed Roman Utkin, a Russian, Eastern European, and Eurasian Studies professor at Wesleyan University, to present … Continue reading

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Comrade Stalin is Dead

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By Zinaida Osipova On September 14, Miami University’s Theatre and Music Departments presented their highly creative piece “Deceptive Cadence: Stories from Prokofiev, Stravinsky, Shostakovich, and Shchedrin”. It featured music by these Soviet composers, theatrical performances, and original footage from the … Continue reading

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Reporting on Russia

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Picture courtesy of Euromaidan Press.   The Havighurst Center’s fall lecture series continues with Anna Veduta: “Reporting on Russia.” By Helen McHenry Anna Veduta, Global Outreach director for Meduza News’s English branch, came to Miami on September 20 to speak … Continue reading

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Who Was Petr Chaadaev?

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By Austin Hall As Jacob Beard, a Ph.D. student in Russian Literature at the Ohio State University, regaled his audience with the trials and tribulations of Peter Chaadaev’s philosophical and literary career, it became clear that Chaadaev was a key … Continue reading

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Coming Out Stories in the Baltics

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Rainbow crosswalk in the front of the Lithuanian Gay League’s office (Vilnius, Lithuania) By Dante Rossi Note:  Using an Undergraduate Summer Scholarship (USS) and a Travel Grant from the Havighurst Center, Miami student Dante Rossi conducted research on the LGBT+ … Continue reading

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Just a Game: Sport as a Matter of Pride in Legend No. 17 and Miracle

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By August Hagemann On Tuesday, September 4th, Miami University’s Havighurst Center for Russian and Post-Soviet Studies kicked off its fall film series “Truth, Power, and Sport” with Legend No. 17.  This 2013 Russian blockbuster tells the story of the star … Continue reading

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