Monthly Archives: May 2015

Let Loose the Word: Dr. John Givens on Tatyana Tolstaya and The Slynx

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By Nicholas Cosentino In 1896, Leo Tolstoy wrote What is Art?[1] as a lament for the lack of morally purposeful art in his time. In an ironic twist of fate, Tatyana Tolstaya, his namesake and a distant heir, laments in … Continue reading

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Understanding the Superstitious Elements of Pushkin’s The Queen of Spades

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By Mackenzie Pickering After having read Pushkin’s “Prisoner of the Caucasus” in class – and since I knew next to nothing about the writer himself – I decided that I wanted to use my honors project to examine Pushkin and … Continue reading

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Putin and Polarized Politics in the U.S.

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By Paul Fredrick For those who regularly watch American cable news, it’s not difficult to notice how often stories pertaining to Russian President Vladimir Putin are aired.  And why is this?  After all, Putin is not an American politician, and … Continue reading

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Experiences of Trauma and the Forging of ‘Ukrainianess’

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By Nicholas Cosentino Ukraine, O my dear Ukraine, My dearest! When I think of you, my homeland, My heart can only cry… Whither all the Kozaks Whither their red coats? Whither our good fortune And whither blessed freedom? (Taras Shevchenko, … Continue reading

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Shaping Ukrainian Identity Through Works of Prose

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By Mackenzie Pickering For those Ukrainians who want to be independent of the country’s ties to Russia, the struggle to assert their own unique identity is complicated and still on going. So many people try to lay claim to Ukraine’s … Continue reading

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