Monthly Archives: December 2021

The 1991 Project: The Lenin Library Closes

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By Liam Martin             It had to happen eventually. On Dec. 6, 1991, as the Moscow News reported, the Lenin State Library was finally closed… for sanitary reasons. According to the writer, Martin Reesink, the cleanliness of the library, including … Continue reading

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Notes from Dostoevsky: The Underground, Spirituality, and Personhood

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By Craig Verniest             On Monday, November 8, the Havighurst Center for Russian and Post-Soviet Studies welcomed guest lecturer Dr. Susan McReynolds for its latest installment in the Fall Colloquia “Dostoevsky at 200” series. Dr. McReynolds is an associate professor … Continue reading

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The 1991 Project: December 4-10. Financing Gold in Russia

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By Caden Wilcox Following their articles on gold reserves in the November 17 edition, the English-language weekly paper Moscow News decided to publish an opinion piece on a similar topic in December. Interviewing Yuri Karnaukh, a “pioneer of the Soviet … Continue reading

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The 1991 Project: November 27-December 3. Privatization: Ideology and Implementation

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By Liam Martin             The Dec. 1 issue of Moscow News was published less than a month before the Soviet Union ceased to exist as a formal political entity. However, the issue discussed the way in which the Soviet Union … Continue reading

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