Monthly Archives: November 2016

What is Capitalism?

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By Grant Collins On Monday, November 7th Dr. Steven Marks, an alumnus of Miami University and Professor of History at Clemson University, presented his lecture The Soviets’ “Gift” to America: The Word “Capitalism” as the sixth and final speaker of … Continue reading

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Searching for “Capitalism” in Russia and the Soviet Union

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  By Luke Stanek The word “capitalism” is used constantly in contemporary American political discourse, mostly with positive connotation, to describe either the American system of governance and economics, or some ideal to attain through that system.  But when the … Continue reading

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What Does Putin Want?

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From Super Putin vs The World: By Ivan Grek “Who is Mr. Putin?” For a long time this question preoccupied western media and western analysts, who offered a range of answers in order to comprehend the behavior of the … Continue reading

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Friday Night Lights in Moscow

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The author coaching American football in Moscow. By Keary Iarussi “So you play rugby?” – that is the question most Russians ask when I tell them I’m involved with American football here. And when I tell people back home, I’m … Continue reading

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Russian Peasants and Revolutionary Freedom

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“The Victory of the Revolution is in the Cooperation of Workers and Peasants.” By Jacob Hensh When we consider early twentieth century peasants in Russia, what are the typical stereotypes that come to mind? They own land, they farm that … Continue reading

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Five Questions for Steven Marks

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Note:  This is the fifth post in what will become an ongoing “Five Questions with” series where students enrolled in the Fall Havighurst Colloquium on Russia in war and revolution pose questions to the guest speakers who speak to the … Continue reading

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