Monthly Archives: March 2017

In Memoriam: Three 2016 Documentaries about Boris Nemtsov

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By Justin Wilmes, East Carolina University “Nemtsov’s murder was the final chord in the period of building a democratic society in Russia, which was born in 1991 during the putsch, and to which all of our hopes were tied. It … Continue reading

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Seeing is Dis-Believing

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Dmitry Moor, cover image for the first issue of Bezhbozhnik [The Atheist] By August Hagemann A picture is worth a thousand words.  What exactly those words are varies as wildly as the pictures themselves vary – sometime it’s about emotion, sometimes it’s … Continue reading

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Photography and the Making of Modern Russia

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An issue of Niva, 1904. By Mohinee Mukherjee February 20, 2017.  Oxford, OH.  Oberlin College Visiting Assistant Professor of History Dr. Chris Stolarski recently delivered a lecture entitled “The Performance of Modern Life: Photography and Public Identity in Late Imperial … Continue reading

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