Monthly Archives: November 2014

Russia: The Other Headlines, 17-21 November Putin spoke about the dangers of an “anti-people mentality”, which leads to the spread of  extremism. Everybody – parties, universities, NGOs, mass-media – should unite against it. Extremism, he warns, is used as a geopolitical tool through color revolutions. … Continue reading

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What Does the Motherland Begin With?

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By Ivan Grek On November 5, President Vladimir Putin met with Russian historians and made several alarming statements. He instructed historians that their work should protect the interests of the Russian state. Putin also rehabilitated the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and accused … Continue reading

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Russia, The Other Headlines: November 10-14 Sergei Guriev claims that Russian monetary reserves will last for 2-3 years. Russia has launched a new international media outlet called Sputnik-news. Vedomosti published an editorial on this new Russian attempt to explain itself to the West. … Continue reading

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Russia, the Other Headlines: 3-7 November The former Minister of Defense from the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic visited Sergey Dorenko’s radio show. This interview is definitely worth reading. “Echo Moskvy” is torn apart. One of its major journalists, Aleksandr Plushev, has been fired directly … Continue reading

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Russia, The Other Headlines, 26-31 October Employees of state-owned companies are advised not to travel abroad. This may be the reason behind  several recent bankruptcies among major travel agencies. Russian Senators and Duma Deputies are asked to hand their diplomatic passports to a special … Continue reading

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