Monthly Archives: March 2020

Do or Die Governance: The Weaponization of Corruption in Russia

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By Quinn Riley On Monday, March 2, the Havighurst Center for Russian and Post-Soviet welcomed Dr. Timothy Model, Havighurst Teaching Fellow and Visiting Assistant Professor, to the spring colloquia series. In a lecture titled “Russia’s Weaponization of Corruption in Ukraine,” … Continue reading

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The Crimean Tatars and Ukrainian Nationhood

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By Quinn Sippola The Russian invasion and subsequent annexation of Crimea in 2014 affected the geopolitical stability of the entire Black Sea region. It also profoundly affected one of the major ethnic groups residing in the peninsula, the Crimean Tatars. … Continue reading

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Russia as a Regional Hegemon: Dr. Eugene Huskey on Linkages and Leverages in Central Asia

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By Nancy Pellegrino On Tuesday, February 24th, the Havighurst Center for Russian and Post-Soviet Studies welcomed its second guest lecturer of the semester, Dr. Eugene Huskey, a professor emeritus from Stetson University and expert on Kyrgyzstan. His talk focused on … Continue reading

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