Category Archives: Miami Alumni

Five Questions With … Jonathon Dreeze

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Note: 2020-21 marks the 20th anniversary of the Havighurst Center.  One of the ways we will mark this occasion is through a regular “Five Questions With …” series, where we will check in with former colleagues, postdoctoral fellows, and students.  In … Continue reading

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Who Was Petr Chaadaev?

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By Austin Hall As Jacob Beard, a Ph.D. student in Russian Literature at the Ohio State University, regaled his audience with the trials and tribulations of Peter Chaadaev’s philosophical and literary career, it became clear that Chaadaev was a key … Continue reading

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In Memoriam: Three 2016 Documentaries about Boris Nemtsov

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By Justin Wilmes, East Carolina University “Nemtsov’s murder was the final chord in the period of building a democratic society in Russia, which was born in 1991 during the putsch, and to which all of our hopes were tied. It … Continue reading

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Lessons Learned from Journalists in Russia Can Apply at Home

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By Brad Terrace Oxford- Last Friday, February 10th, students at Miami University’s campus in Oxford, Ohio had a unique opportunity to Skype with two journalists living in Russia. The two journalists, Matthew Bodner and Alexey Kovalev, talked with the students … Continue reading

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Life as a Graduate Student in Washington, D.C.

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By Emily Walton, Class of 2016 Though all roads do not lead to Oxford, Ohio, I recently found myself yearning to go back to my alma mater, Miami University. This is simply because I missed Miami and all the great … Continue reading

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What is Capitalism?

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By Grant Collins On Monday, November 7th Dr. Steven Marks, an alumnus of Miami University and Professor of History at Clemson University, presented his lecture The Soviets’ “Gift” to America: The Word “Capitalism” as the sixth and final speaker of … Continue reading

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