One of the CAS student interns, Dania Puenta Davila, wrote a wonderful piece covering our recent Alumni Career Path Symposium. Excellent work, Dania, and thanks again to our alumni board!
Author Archives: johnsojg
Diversity & inclusion events next week
Introduction to the Chinese Language
When: Tuesday, 4/23 @ 6-7pm
Where: Verity Lodge (Middletown)
Description: Four international Miami students will introduce audience members to the Chinese language, covering topics such as naming conventions, numbers and counting, pronunciation, and greeting and parting. A light meal will be served for the first 60 attendees.
A Proactive Student Response to Genocide
When: Tuesday, 4/23 @ 6-8pm
Where: 1066 Armstrong
Description: A Holocaust survivor, Bosnian Genocide survivor, and two academics specializing in atrocity crimes will share their stories, research, and advice on what we can do as a community in response to baseless hatred.
Vietnamese Coffee Booth
When: Wednesday, 4/24 @ 12-2pm & Thursday, 4/25 @ 12-2pm
Where: Armstrong Slant Walk
Description: The Vietnamese Student Association is hosting a booth to provide cups of traditional Vietnamese coffee.
Citizen Brown: Race, Democracy, and Inequality in the St. Louis Suburbs
When: Thursday, 4/25 @ 5-7pm
Where: Hughes Laboratories 100
Description: Colin Gordon writes on the history of American public policy and political economy. Citizen Brown explores the experience of African Americans in St. Louis County by examining patterns of municipal incorporation and annexation, the starkly uneven provision of local services, local approaches to urban renewal, and the potent combination of racial transitions nd fiscal austerity that led to the death of Michael Brown.
Women’s Center 2019 Femellectual Launch
When: Friday, 4/26 @ 3-5:30pm
Where: Armstrong Marcum Patio (though if raining, the location will be at the Cultural Center)
Description: The Women’s Center is launching its 2019 Femellectual Publication, where attendees will listen to the publication contributors read their pieces. Light refreshments will be served.
Vietnamese Hung King Appreciation Day
When: Friday, 4/26 @ 5-6pm
Where: Bachelor 131
Description: Hung King Appreciation Day is a national Vietnamese holiday. The Vietnamese Student Association is hosting this event to remember the tradition of their country and to introduce students to Vietnamese culture.
When: Friday, 4/26 @ 6-8pm
Where: Hillel 11 E Walnut St
Description: Hillel: Association of Jewish Students hosts its weekly shabbat dinner. All are welcome to attend.
Student tech fee
They have just announced the timeline for the next Student Tech Fee cycle, with a deadline of September 23. Although this is well in advance, this may prompt faculty to think of potentially useful acquisitions for the department.
Career center liaison
We have a new department liaison with the Center for Career Exploration and Success, Michael Turner. Michael can serve as a great resource, and plans to renew the practice of holding occasional office hours in the building starting next academic year. In addition to reminding us about the upcoming Career Grant deadline (April 29; see Provost’s Weekly Three), he also sends along a couple pointers:
Career Clusters
CCES organizes services, events, and communication around career clusters: groupings of common occupations that fall within broad career sectors. Career clusters allow students to focus their professional interests while they explore similar careers within broad industry categories. We urge students to consider their interests, skills, and preferences on work settings and job functions in relation to their occupational options and to acquire skills and experiences throughout college that would align to their career goals. Learn more about career clusters HERE.
Resources For Faculty
I thought it might be helpful to include the Faculty and Staff page from our CCES website explaining how [we have] historically worked with faculty and resources to be aware of. I’m also happy to come and visit during a department or staff meeting and give a brief overview.
Congrats to yet another grad student!
In further testament to our outstanding graduate students and their mentorship, Angie Jain has won an award from the highly competitive M.I.A.M.I. WOMEN Giving Circle Hawk Tank! Angie successfully “pitched” her idea to implement a Dialectical Behavior Therapy program at Miami. Congrats to Angie and her mentor, Vaishali Raval!
Undergraduate Research Forum, 2-day event
To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Undergraduate Research Forum, there will be a two-day event with panels and discussions on Tuesday, April 23, and the usual poster presentations and talks on Wednesday, April 24. I know many of us will be represented, but everyone is encouraged to attend and motivate participation in your students!
Faculty audience and assistance at commencement
The College and President’s Office are both requesting that faculty consider assisting with commencement ceremonies by participating in the processions (i.e., just attending and sitting there). They are also requesting help as faculty Marshals, which basically just means sitting at the end of a row. We have some regalia in the department and others may be willing to share if faculty are interested but do not have attire. Please let me (or Kris Zomchek directly) know if you will be attending the ceremony, and especially if you are willing to serve as a Marshal.
Diversity and inclusion events next week
Black Women Empowered’s Annual Hair Expo
When: Sunday, 4/14 @ 12-4pm
Where: 322 McGuffey
Description: This is Black Women Empowered’s signature spring event, which is intended to create a space of self-care and empowerment through workshops and panels.
Constancio Arnaldo Jr.: Rethinking Sport Cultures Beyond Black, White, and Male: Sports as Sites of Possibility, Contradiction, and Social Change
When: Monday, 4/15 @ 6-7:50pm
Where: 001 Upham Hall
Description: Dr. Arnaldo is an assistant professor in Asian/Asian American Studies at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. His research “examines the cultural politics of sport among Filipino and Filipino Americans” in several U.S. locations.
21st Century Indian Country: Interrupting the Dominant Narrative
When: Monday, 4/15 @ 7pm (Reception at 8:30pm)
Where: 121 Peabody Hall
Description: This year’s Robert E. Strippel Memorial Continuing Dialogue on Justice and Human Rights event will feature Judith LeBlanc as the keynote speaker. Ms. LeBlanc is the director of the Native Organizers Alliance and Roddenberry Fellow. She will address colonial legacies that are being interrupted by Native Americans claiming their own contemporary narratives to counter discrimination and invisibility.
Safe Zone 101
When: Tuesday, 4/16 @ 11:30am-1pm
Where: 316 Mosler Hall (Hamilton campus)
Description: This Safe Zone 101 training will teach participants how to be informed, active allies to the LGBTQ+ community.
Further than Falafel: Israeli Dinner and Discussion
When: Tuesday, 4/16 @ 6-7:30pm
Where: 1086 Armstrong
Description: In this Further than Falafel event, a free Israeli dinner will be served and the question of the role the Holocaust memory plays in Israel will be discussed.
Mauritanian Refugees in Ohio: What ICE is doing in our own backyard: The deportation crisis facing Ohio’s Mauritanian communities
When: Wednesday, 4/17 @ 4-6pm
Where: 002 Upham Hall
Description: Dr. Christopher Hemming will present a talk on ICE’s deportations of members of Cincinnati’s and Columbus’s Mauritanian communities, which are two of the largest Mauritanian communities in the U.S.
American and Muslim Women’s Taaruf
When: Wednesday, 4/17 @ 5-6:30pm
Where: Lane Library, Helen Weinsberger Activities Center
Description: This is a gathering of women interested in building community between Muslim and Middle Eastern with American women. The event is open to anyone interested in developing a broader understanding and a sisterhood across faith, culture, and identity.
SDAC Coffee and Conversations
When: Thursday, 4/18 @ 5-6pm
Where: McGuffey 121
Description: We welcome all to attend to hear a panel of students who identify as having a disability speak about their experiences and life here at Miami both as students and as members of the community as a whole.
Racial Legacies & Learning, featuring P. Frank Williams
When: Thursday, 4/18 @ 6-9pm
Where: Dave Finkelman Auditorium (Middletown campus)
Description: P. Frank Williams is an internationally recognized expert on hip-hop and pop culture, and is an Emmy Award winning TV/Film producer, writer, journalist, author and commentator.
Access for All
When: Friday, 4/19 @ 8:30am
Where: Shriver Center, Heritage Room
Description: Miami’s 5th annual Accessible Technology Symposium is free and open to anyone interested in learning more about ways to remove barriers to learning for individuals with disabilities. Register here.
Vodou Dancer/Drummers Performance
When: Friday, 4/19 @ 6-9pm
Where: 322 McGuffey
Description: Nancy St. Léger is the Artistic Director of the NSL Dance Ensemble in Miami Florida, where she teaches Vodou dance classes, choreographs, and performs. She was born in Port-au-Prince and now lives and works in the Little Haiti neighborhood of Miami, FL.
Congrats to our newest *two* NSF Grad Research Fellows!
Huge congratulations to Shelby Ortiz and Akanksha Das for their receipt of NSF Graduate Research Fellowships! I also applaud April Smith and Elise Clerkin for their mentorship of these rising stars. We had many of our other outstanding students apply that should all be recognized for their efforts as well.
Grad student featured in ABCT spotlight
Congratulations to Laurel Sarfan, who was featured in the research spotlight by ABCT! Laurel trains in the Clinical area with Elise Clerkin, and was recognized for her work on “the cognitive and emotion regulation factors that drive psychopathology.”