Career center liaison

We have a new department liaison with the Center for Career Exploration and Success, Michael Turner. Michael can serve as a great resource, and plans to renew the practice of holding occasional office hours in the building starting next academic year. In addition to reminding us about the upcoming Career Grant deadline (April 29; see Provost’s Weekly Three), he also sends along a couple pointers:

Career Clusters
CCES organizes services, events, and communication around career clusters: groupings of common occupations that fall within broad career sectors. Career clusters allow students to focus their professional interests while they explore similar careers within broad industry categories. We urge students to consider their interests, skills, and preferences on work settings and job functions in relation to their occupational options and to acquire skills and experiences throughout college that would align to their career goals. Learn more about career clusters HERE.

Resources For Faculty
I thought it might be helpful to include the Faculty and Staff page from our CCES website explaining how [we have] historically worked with faculty and resources to be aware of. I’m also happy to come and visit during a department or staff meeting and give a brief overview.