Monthly Archives: March 2020

Psychology Diversity Celebration Week Mar 9-13

Each year, the Department of Psychology hosts its Diversity Celebration Week, to celebrate diversity and its important contributions to our understanding of the world. Many events are planned for the week, and we encourage you attend as many as possible (see list below for days, times, rooms, and student groups affiliated with it). Also, please announce these in your classes and encourage your students to attend them as well. The event times are distributed across the week to encourage broad attendance. If you would like to give extra credit for attendance at one or more of these events, we can scan student IDs.
Events include:

  • March 9 (Mon) 9:30-10:30am — Coffee and Conversations (presented by the Association of Black Psychologists)
  • March 9 (Mon) 3-4pm — Intergroup Dialogues (presented by the Center for American and World Cultures)
  • March 9 (Mon) 4-5pm — Diversity Discussion and Reception (presented by the Department of Psychology)
  • March 10 (Tues) 2-3pm — Film Screening and Discussion (presented by Unidos)
  • March 11 (Wed) 1-2pm — Equity & Food Distribution Models (presented by Shared Harvest Food Bank)
  • March 12 (Thurs) 12-1pm — Healthy Masculinities Workshop (presented by Miami’s Men and Masculinity Committee)
  • March 13 (Fri) 3-5pm — Diversity Teach-In (presented by the Department of Psychology)

Ohio Undergraduate Psychology Research Conference on April 4

Cleveland State University and Lorain County Community College are co-hosting the 34th annual Ohio Undergraduate Psychology Research Conference on April 4, 2020 at Lorain County Community College (near Elyria OH).  
The deadline for student project registration is March 27.
The form to submit projects is on the conference website’s main page, and the conference attendance registration is also located there, at the bottom of the page. 

Both can be found here:

Peggy Shepard Climate Justice lecture on 5 March

On Thursday, March 15, the Institute for the Environment and Sustainability (IES) will host the 2020 Drs. Gene & Carol Willeke Frontiers in Environmental Science Distinguished Lecture. This year’s Willeke Lecture will be Peggy Shepard who will be speaking on Climate Justice

When: Thursday, March 5, 6:00 pm

Where: 152 Shideler Hall

Peggy Shepard is the co-founder and executive director of WE ACT ( for Environmental Justice. She has successfully combined grassroots organizing, environmental advocacy, and environmental health community-based participatory research to become a national leader in advancing environmental policy and environmental justice in urban communities.

Low-income communities and communities of color tend to produce disproportionately lower amounts of emissions contributing to climate change. Despite this, they face the greatest and earliest impacts of climate change while typically having the least political power and financial resources to address the issue.

Climate Justice refers to addressing climate change in a just and equitable manner and ensuring that low-income communities and communities do not bear a disproportionate burden of climate change.  Ms Shepard will address how we provide these communities with the resources and power to combat the detrimental effects of climate change.