Monthly Archives: April 2021

Cropenbaker and Freeman named Faculty Member and Graduate Student of the Year, respectively

Each year, Psi Chi oversees the process by which our undergraduates nominate and vote on faculty member and graduate student of the year honors.

For the 2020-21 academic year, our students have selected Brooke Cropenbaker as Psi Chi Faculty Member of the Year and McKenna Freeman as Psi Chi Graduate Student of the Year.

Congrats to both Brooke and McKenna for these honors. We appreciate everything you do to support the education and development of our students!

Matt McMurray grant work receives university praise

Our own Matt McMurray and his colleague Andrew Jones (Chemical, paper and biomedical engineering) have received positive press coverage for their grant work supported by PsyBio Therapeutics Corporation, most recently showcased in a Miami News story.

In the past year, they have received two different grants ($2.5M total) to study the application of neuropsychiatric drugs for the treatment of depression, anxiety, PTSD, and substance dependency. These multi-year grants will support research in both Matt’s and Jones’s labs.

Miami University President Greg Crawford said the groundbreaking research, “illustrates Miami’s entrepreneurial makeup and showcases the ingenuity of our faculty and the brilliance of our students.”

Congratulations to Matt for these very significant awards and for helping to build new partnership models with the private sector.

Newly minted PhD accepts tenure-track position

Congratulations goes to Seyma Inan, who just completed her dissertation work and accepted a tenure-track position at Mercyhurst University in Erie, PA. She will begin her position this fall. Congrats again to Seyma (and to her advisor, Yvette Harris)!

Four graduate students receive Capretta Scholarships

Four psychology doctoral students were awarded the Patrick J. Capretta Memorial Scholarship based on their excellent scholarly work during the post master’s degree period of their graduate training. This year’s recipients are Feven Ogbaselase (advisor Aaron Luebbe), Salime Salim (advisor Terri Messman), Sydney Risley (advisor Liz Kiel), and Tyler Jacobs (advisor Allen McConnell).

We are very proud of their many contributions to our department, especially through their high-quality scholarship and positive student engagement. Congratulations!

Graduate students receive CAS Teaching Awards

Congratulations go to Sarah Dreyer-Oren and to Seyma Inan, who each received College of Arts and Science Graduate Student Teaching Awards this spring. These honors recognize graduate students who make noteworthy teaching contributions as instructors at Miami. Congrats to Sarah and Seyma (and their advisors, Elise Clerkin and Yvette Harris, respectively).

Former Miami undergraduate, Charles Doan, receives named professorship at Marietta College

Former Miami undergraduate, Dr. Charles Doan, we recently named Plankey Professor in the Department of Psychology at Marietta College. Doan received his bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Miami in 2011, before moving on to earn his PhD in Experimental Psychology at Ohio University in 2018.

Charles worked in Joe Johnson’s judgment and decision making lab while at Miami, and he was extensively involved with Daniel DeCaro’s research projects in Joe’s lab. His early experiences with eye-tracking technology at Miami continue to be used in his research activities today.

In addition, Charles served as an undergraduate TA for Joe’s JDM capstone course, which he credits as an, “invaluable teaching experience early in my academic career. This experience, from the angle of teaching rather than research, helped solidify my desire to go to graduate school and become a professor.”

Congratulations to Charles for this recognition and to Joe for providing positive teaching and research experiences that motivate subsequent generations of scholars!