Former Miami undergraduate, Dr. Charles Doan, we recently named Plankey Professor in the Department of Psychology at Marietta College. Doan received his bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Miami in 2011, before moving on to earn his PhD in Experimental Psychology at Ohio University in 2018.
Charles worked in Joe Johnson’s judgment and decision making lab while at Miami, and he was extensively involved with Daniel DeCaro’s research projects in Joe’s lab. His early experiences with eye-tracking technology at Miami continue to be used in his research activities today.
In addition, Charles served as an undergraduate TA for Joe’s JDM capstone course, which he credits as an, “invaluable teaching experience early in my academic career. This experience, from the angle of teaching rather than research, helped solidify my desire to go to graduate school and become a professor.”
Congratulations to Charles for this recognition and to Joe for providing positive teaching and research experiences that motivate subsequent generations of scholars!