Take Back the Night
When: 4/2 6-9pm
Where: Survivor speak outs (6-7pm), Armstrong Wiikiaami Room; Ally training (6-7pm), Armstrong 2078; March (7-9pm), Joslin Terrace to Uptown Park
Description: Take Back the Night is a march to support survivors of sexual assault.
The Only Home I Know, My American Dream
When: 4/2 6-7pm
Where: Great Room, MacMillan Hall
Description: This film and panel discussion will explore the story of Jose Antonio Vargas, who wrote a high-profile expose of himself as an undocumented “alien.”
Social Movements and Neoliberalism
When: 4/2 6-7:30pm
Where: 001 Upham Hall
Description: As part of the “Critical Inquiry and Penny Lecture Series” on Global Identities and Social Movements, Dr. David Fasenfest will present a talk on opportunities and challenges associated with social movements.
Confucius Institute Skit Competition
When: 4/4 4-5pm
Where: Peabody Hall, Leonard Theatre
Description: The Confucius Institute is hosting a skit competition!
National Sanctuary Coalition Movement
When: 4/4 6-7pm
Where: MacMillan Hall, Great Room
Description: Spiritual leaders from U.S. Jewish, Christian, and Muslim communities will discuss joining the National Sanctuary Coalition Movement, “what their commitment to be a Sanctuary or Solidarity congregation means, and how students can be involved.
The Spirituality of Cesar Chavez and the National Farm Workers Movement
When: 4/4 7:30-9pm
Where: Hannah House, Office of Community Engagement and Service (Oxford campus)
Description: “An evening of contemplation. This program will provide an opportunity for people from diverse faith-and-meaning-making backgrounds to come together to reflect on the spiritual values that drove Cesar Chavez’s work.
“Deej”: Inclusion Shouldn’t be a Lottery
When: 4/5 7-9pm
Where: 152 Shideler Hall
Description: This lecture and film screening is part of the Kate Welling Disability Awareness Lecture Series.