Tag Archives: important

Important: Several important reminders for your classes

Now that we’re in the process of finalizing (right!) our syllabi and getting ready for the start of the new school, there are several policies and deadlines that you should be aware of as we start the new year. Some additional instructional policies can be found in the University Policy Library. In particular, please pay close attention to the following important matters.

  1. The academic integrity process has new rules and procedures (see email from Brooke Spangler Cropenbaker and post below) going into effect this fall. Please, please, please be sure you familiarize yourself with it, discuss it with your classes on the first day, and make sure your syllabi reflects the new policies (these policies only apply to undergraduate courses). A lot has changed, and it’s very important that we’re all on the same, and official, page!
  2. If you are teaching the following classes, please review the TAG post below to ensure that your courses meet the requirement of the Ohio Department of Education Transfer Assurance Guide: PSYs 111, 221, 231, 241, 242, 332, 333, or 334.
  3. If you are teaching the following classes, please review the TAG post below to ensure that your class is meeting the Global Miami Plan requirements: PSY 111 or 210.
  4. if you have students, graduate or undergraduate, who are taking independent study credits with you this semester (e.g., RAs in your lab receiving PSY 1/2/3/477, students taking independent study credit), they MUST process their independent study registrations during the first week of classes. Please make sure they get their “pink sheets” in to the office no later than Friday, August 30. Last year, we were given some wiggle room on the “first week deadline,” but there are no grace periods this year — the first week deadline will be enforced. Please be sure that all of your advisees and RAs get this done ASAP!
  5. Remember that each instructor must validate whether each student has attended class during the first week of the semester. Although this can be done rather easily in small classes, it can be more tricky in larger sections (one approach is to have a 0-point assignment in Canvas where students have to post a selfie pic of themselves in the classroom by the end of the first week so you can verify that they were there). Regardless, please don’t forget to verify student attendance this semester!
  6. Students are required to notify instructors within the first two weeks of any religious or cultural observance that might interfere with assignments laid out in the syllabus. Please be sure to invite students to bring them to your attention and that this must be done in the first two weeks of class, per university policy.

Finally, per Hannah Caldwell’s email, please be sure to upload a copy of your syllabus for each course you are teaching to the formstack provided by August 30.

Thank you so much for attending to all of these issues. I know a lot of this work can seem relatively pointless, but complying with them is important for making sure that our classes serve a much larger system of requirement and processes. Thanks for your diligence on these matters!

Important: TAG requirements for PSY courses

Some of our courses are subject to meeting specific requirements for student learning outcomes, either as part of the Global Miami Plan (GMP) foundation or Ohio Department of Education requirements, to facilitate credit transfer across institutions in the state (i.e., Transfer Assurance Guide, or TAG). If you teach one of the courses listed below, you need to ensure that your course meets the prescribed learning outcomes, which should be clearly indicated on your syllabus.

For TAG requirements, You can find more information on the ODE website. Specifically, under “Social and Behavioral Sciences,” you should use the code below to find your course and click on the link for the relevant documentation:

PSY 111 needs to meet TAG requirements (OSS 015).
PSY 221 needs to meet TAG requirements (OSS 016).
PSY 231 needs to meet TAG requirements (OSS 048).
PSY 241 needs to meet TAG requirements (OSS 018).
PSY 242 needs to meet TAG requirements (OSS 017).
PSY 332 needs to meet TAG requirements (OSS 045).
PSY 333 needs to meet TAG requirements (OSS 046).
PSY 334 needs to meet TAG requirements (OSS 047).

For GMP foundation courses, you should be able to demonstrate how students develop skill in writing and critical thinking, as well as two other core competencies selected by the instructor. More information and a list of competencies can be found on the Liberal Ed website. Please be sure that your syllabi and SLOs clearly indicate these competencies. The GMP foundation courses in Psychology are PSY 111 and PSY 210.

If you have any questions, please ask Allen.

Important: New Academic Integrity Policy

As Brooke Spangler Cropenbaker noted in her email on 21 August, there is a new Academic Integrity Policy that goes into effect THIS FALL. The university has developed syllabus language, a guide to the new policy (what to do during the first class, how to continue the discussion, and what you should discuss on exam days, etc.) and a brief overview of what differs between the old and new (developed by Brenda Quaye, Assistant Director of Academic Integrity)

This academic year, Brooke will serve as the department’s designee to handle academic dishonesty issues. If you have questions about the policy, please contact Brooke.

Please note a few things. First, all instructors are required to report suspected cases of academic dishonesty. This is now done using an on-line submission form, and the initial investigation is handled by Brenda Quaye’s office. Only in cases where a student contests responsibility or the sanction does the department get involved. By having Brenda’s office handle the first layer of academic integrity issues, we hope to reduce the workload involved in the department and to encourage faculty reporting academic integrity issues.

Please familiarize yourself with the new policies and processes so that (1) your syllabus addresses things appropriately, (2) you spend a couple of minutes on the first day of class discussing academic integrity and its importance, and (3) you know what to do should you encounter behavior that requires your reporting suspected academic dishonesty.

Important deadlines upcoming

There are several annual deadlines upcoming of which you should all be aware. Please plan ahead if you are considering pursuit of any of the following, and let me know of your intent as soon as possible.

Student Technology Fee (October 12 to CAS): This should also have appeared in your MyMiami, and more information can be found here. If you plan to submit a proposal for equipment, software, etc. from this annual competition, please notify me asap and plan to have it ready by October 5 to be prepared for the CAS deadline.

CFR grant proposals (October 19 to OARS): The University Senate Committee on Faculty Research (CFR) offers several funding programs for summer research, GA support, publication/presentation subsidies, etc. This deadline is particularly for the faculty research grants. Although applications are submitted directly to OARS, please let me know if you plan to submit and I can help advise (especially if you are requesting GA support).

Leave requests (November 1 to CAS): Any faculty who are considering taking a research leave next year (2019-20 AY) should let me know. This includes both one-semester (ARA) and year-long (FIL) leaves, including those from junior faculty who get an “automatic” leave but still must apply. Please have your applications to me at least a week in advance so that I can provide feedback and then provide the required ranking of applications to CAS. By the way, if you are contemplating a leave, you might want to take a look at the Cattell Sabbatical Fund which is a national competition for support to psychology faculty during leaves.


New attendance procedure begins this fall

From Carolyn Haynes in the Provost’s office:

As you begin to prepare for the fall semester, I wanted to alert you to a new attendance procedure which will be in effect in fall 2018.

The federal government has mandated that universities confirm that students have begun attendance in all courses that count towards federal financial aid eligibility (34 CFR 668.21). Institutions must do this by verifying the occurrence of students’ “academic activity” through the 10th day of the semester. Last year, Miami received just over $104 million in federal financial aid. Failure to meet attendance regulations could result in large fines and even jeopardize Miami’s eligibility for federal Title IV financial aid.

Federal regulations (34 CFR 668.22 (l)(7) define “academic activity” as occurring when a student physically attends at least one class where there is an opportunity for direct interaction between the instructor and students.

Because we also have hybrid and online courses, the following also count as “academic activity” when a student:
· submits an academic assignment (in class or online);
· takes a quiz or exam (in class or online);
· participates in an interactive tutorial or is involved with computer-assisted instruction;
· attends a study group as assigned by the instructor;
· participates in an online discussion as part of the course; or
· initiates contact with a faculty member to ask a question about the academic subject studied in the course.

“Academic activity” does not result when a student:
· logs in to an online class but has no other “academic activity” online; or
· meets with an academic advisor.

Over the summer, the Office of the Registrar will roll out a change to the photo roster that will permit instructors to notify the University that the student did or did not begin attendance. It is anticipated that the deadline for confirming this will be the end of the second week of full semester/term courses and by the end of day 3 of sprint courses.

Prior to the beginning of the fall semester, the University Registrar will send faculty specific instructions for how to mark attendance on the photo roster. Please note that this change was designed to be quick and easy so as to avoid excessive use of your time.

Suggestions for ways to take attendance in large classes:
· Give a quiz on first or second day of class. Quiz could be on the syllabus contents.
· Have students sign in at door.
· Use assigned seating charts for students, and ask TA or undergraduate associate to note empty seats.
· Ask students to fill out index cards with name and one question or thought related to the class.
· Do an online poll using an app such as Kahoot. Ask students to use their real names on the poll.

Best wishes to you on a rejuvenating and productive summer.

ANY time you have to miss class…

Please complete this form any time that you need to miss any of your class meetings, whether due to illness, conference travel, or other personal or professional obligations. Please recall that there are instructional minute requirements that we must meet, and you are required to notify me in advance of ANY missed classes (MUPIM 5.9), including your plan for covering the course (i.e., not “canceling;” see also my email to all faculty of 11/17/17).

Leave requests due Oct. 27

Any and all faculty who are considering one-semester (Assigned Research Appointment) or full-year (Faculty Improvement Leave) leaves for the 2018-19 academic year need to submit materials to me by the end of business October 27. From the dean’s office, on process:

Like last year, I would like to ask that the leave requester add a 50 – 60 word abstract to the beginning of their 1-3 page summary of their request. They also need to attach their vita and a leave report if they have been granted one in the last 10 years. Please make sure that any of your faculty applying for leave are aware of the new abstract requirement.

The leave request form can be found on the Academic Personnel website in the forms library (Leaves & Time Off).

Faculty who are considering a leave request should consult with me prior to developing your request. Note that I need to ensure that a leave can be accommodated, and rank these when sending them to the dean. A brief discussion with each of those submitting will not only allow me to do so, but also to help you determine the best way to use this opportunity to maximize your professional development.


Important new guidelines for grant proposals

As most of you are aware, Anne Schauer is currently the only staff available to assist with proposal submissions in OARS. This places an extreme burden on her and she is asking for your help. If you are considering a grant proposal submission you should let Anne know asap, especially those upcoming (e.g. R03, R15, and R21 all due this month).

You should also be aware that she will require a minimum 10 days advance notice of intents to submit, and a minimum of 5 days lead time for receipt of all materials prior to a submission deadline. These are not to be taken lightly and I have asked Anne to notify me of any faculty who disregard these deadlines. Please respect Anne’s position and help her to help you.

Seriously, you must do the ethics survey

All faculty should have received an email (from General Counsel) about the annual Ethics Questionnaire and External Services. The dean has made very clear that faculty will need to complete the ethics survey, as we need 100% compliance as an institution.

Also, in this email was a link to report external services for things you do for outside entities (even journal service, publisher contracts, etc.). You need to complete this form as well, unfortunately for each such activity that you do (due to lawyers making surveys). Note that many of us have something here–things like serving on an editorial board are included. See the clarification on the matter in MUPIM here. It’s essentially trying to protect the “university’s time” by making sure we aren’t overcommitted to outside activities, but may be quite pro forma.

There are no survey links here as the emails are specific to each of you, to my understanding. Please see me if you did not receive this email or have any questions.

Important info concerning your undergrad RAs

As you sign up your RAs for this year, please be aware that ALL undergraduates working in your lab or with you on other special projects should be signed up for *77 independent study credit. This should match their standing (e.g. 377 for a junior) and be in appropriate number according to the nature of the experience; generally 1 cr. = 3 or 4 hrs/wk averaged over the semester. You must use the .R modifier if it is a research assistant. This is critical for the student to earn their experiential learning MP designation and for us to be able to properly track students for reporting, etc. Students who are not registered for credit will not be included during evaluations of faculty research mentoring. If you have questions about this or situations where you think students should not be credit-bearing, please let me know.