Important messages from Academic Personnel

From Celia Elison, Academic Personnel:

Salary Breakdown for 2018-19 

About one-third of our faculty are paid their academic-year salary August through May (and do not choose the 12-equal-payments option).  The assumption is that the August and May payments will each be “a half-check” (half of one-ninth of the full salary).  The actual amount paid in August and May is a function of the calendar/specific number of work days in the month.  (Are you bored yet?)  In many years the payment is 50/50.  For the upcoming 2018-19 academic year the breakdown is closer to 40/60.  To lessen the surprise factor, I would like you to share this calculation with the faculty.

For faculty who receive their salary spread over the academic year:

The salary paid in August 2018 will be 43.48% of 1/9th of the academic-year salary.

The salary paid in May 2019 will be 56.52% of 1/9th of the academic-year salary.

Reminder:  The percentage of the 2017-18 salary for the May 2018 payment is 60.87%

 Permission to Perform Outside Service

Please remind your faculty and unclassified staff that a request form should be filled out any time during the year that the needs arises.  The form is available from the Academic Personnel website, under “My Career,” then “Ethics Compliance.”

The site also includes a list of common activities and whether or not permission is required.