Self-nominations for 2018-19 CAS committees

The call for nominations to CAS committees has been released, and I would encourage you all to consider these, as relevant. It can be valuable for our department to be well represented, and college-level committees are an important service contribution to be recognized in annual reviews and promotion consideration. From Renee Baernstein, via Nancy Burnside:

I write to invite you to volunteer for service on for the various standing committees of the College of Arts and Science. The committees listed below have expected vacancies for 2018-19. Before the Committee on Committees makes recommendations to fill the vacancies, you are invited to indicate your interest. You must have continuing faculty status to be eligible. Please email Nancy Burnside by Monday, November 27 if you are interested in serving on any of the committees listed below, and specify which committee(s) you are interested in.

Committee of Advisors: 4 year term. Reviews petitions from undergraduate students regarding exceptions to academic requirements of the CAS and University. Meets every other week, until the 9th week of the term when it becomes weekly; occasional (but not required) meetings during the summer and winter terms. Advising experience such as being CDA is helpful but not required. Eligibility: all continuing faculty.

Curriculum Committee: 3 year term. Reviews all new or changed courses and programs (majors, minors etc) in the CAS. Meets every two weeks during the fall and spring semester. Eligibility: all continuing faculty.

Governance Committee: 2 year term. Meets as needed to discuss revisions to the CAS Manual of Operations and other governance docs. Has not met in recent years. Eligibility: all continuing faculty.

Personnel Committee: 2 year term. Advises the Dean on recommendations for tenure and promotion of tenure-line faculty. Meets several times in the fall semester, including one long meeting. Eligibility: full professors.

Pre-health Advisory Committee AND Ecology Research Center Policy Committee. These two committees generally comprise faculty whose professional interests lie in these areas. Coordinate and set goals and policy for these programs. Eligibility: all continuing faculty.

From time to time there are also vacancies in the advisory committees for interdisciplinary programs. If you have a professional interest in any of these areas and would be interested in serving on the committee should a vacancy occur, please check below where appropriate. We will inform the appropriate chair(s) of your interest.

East Asian Studies Program Committee
European Area Studies Program
Medieval Studies Program Committee
Middle East and Islamic Studies