Are you doing work related to diversity/inclusion?

From the Diversity and Inclusion committee:

The Diversity and Inclusion committee is hoping to better highlight all the fantastic diversity and inclusion related work in which our faculty and graduate students are involved. In order to do this, we would like faculty and graduate students to provide a 400-600 word summary of any research/outreach/service they are engaged in related to diversity or inclusion. These summaries could describe an individual project, a set of studies, or a program of research/outreach/service. We welcome individual submissions and also lab-based submissions (i.e., Dr. X submits an entry summarizing all the relevant work in his/her lab across multiple investigators). Also, a given person can submit more than one entry (to describe separate projects) if desired. Feel free to tailor your submission(s) in whatever way you wish.

We envision displaying these summaries on a rotating basis on the Psychology webpage, Facebook, and Twitter. We hope that highlighting the work we do related to diversity and inclusion will encourage more diverse faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students to work in our department.

Please send your summary to April Smith ( by December 15, 2017.