Russia, The Other Headlines, 26-31 October

Employees of state-owned companies are advised not to travel abroad. This may be the reason behind  several recent bankruptcies among major travel agencies.

Russian Senators and Duma Deputies are asked to hand their diplomatic passports to a special commission, which will allow use only for approved business trips. They were supposed to do so after each business trip, but this rule has not been enforced

Dean of MSU Economic Faculty Sergey Auzan about the new social contract

Hackers leaked mail supposedly from the office of Russian First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov. According to it Russian bank sector is on the edge of major crisis.

“Ekho Moskvy” has received a warning for “supporting war crimes”. It is the second warning within a year and will lead to a shut down of the media.

The top manager of the Rosatom subsidiary in the USA is arrested on charges of corruption.

The former head of a major Russian mobile retailer, Yevgeny Chichvarkin, wrote a column claiming that there are many more people who will be capable of ruling Russia if Putin leaves.

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