Category Archives: Grad

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Alumni board Career Path Symposium

Our dedicated Alumni Advisory Board has worked extremely hard in developing a workshop for all students interested in improving their career readiness. From Vaishali:

The Department of Psychology Alumni Advisory Board presents a Career Path Symposium titled, ” Innovative & Prepared: Your Road Map toward Career Success” on Friday March 15 from 10 am to 2 pm in Farmer School of Business. The workshop will enable you to discover your own personal story and brand, provide practical guide to your job search, describe many career avenues open to you with a psychology degree, and discuss written and unwritten roles for work success.

More information can be found on the flyer in the Team Drive here.

Graduate Teaching Award nominations sought

The Graduate School is now accepting nominations for the Distinguished Teaching Award for Excellence in Graduate Instruction and Mentoring. Our very own Jay Smart received the award this year, and I know we have many excellent faculty who contribute greatly to graduate education. Nominations are due by March 1; more information can be found in this doc on the Team Drive.

CIQS female recruiting event

Please see below an event organized by Lynette Hudiburgh, STA/CTE, to recruit female high school students. She would be grateful to have participation from faculty, graduate students, and/or undergraduates in Psychology, in particular:

Please mark your calendars so that you can join us for CIQS (Careers Involving Quantitative Skills) Day 2019, tentatively set for Tuesday, January 8, from 9:00 – 2:00, to recruit talented young high school females to study quantitative and science subjects in college. An alternate date of Thursday, January 10, has been set in case of inclement weather. This will be our Fifth Annual CIQS Day.

The Department of Statistics, in partnership with the College of Education, Health, & Society, and StatHawks sponsors CIQS Day: an annual event exclusively for female high school students. For this event we will invite such students from high schools in Southwestern Ohio (including downtown Cincinnati) to come to campus, participate in activities with faculty and current students, listen to faculty and student presentations, and converse with women who are working in STEM fields and in fields where good quantitative skills are needed. It is our hope that by introducing the students to these fields early, and by exposing them to exciting aspects of our fields of study, they will become intrigued and motivated to study a STEM discipline or to continue to study quantitative methods regardless of future majors.

We would love to have you join us and contribute to the success of this day. Opportunities for faculty to contribute include:

  • Create and facilitate an activity or exploration (30-40 minutes) that would be interesting and accessible to high school students. Presentations from last year included: Teamwork in Engineering; Big Data Analytics and its Applications; and Introduction to Earthquakes, just to name a few.
  • Identify current undergraduate and graduate majors in your department who might be available to participate in this day.

Congrats to our Castellan Prize winner!

I am pleased to share that Mitch Dandignac received the 2018 Castellan Prize for the best student paper at the 48th annual meeting of the Society for Computers in Psychology (SCiP) in New Orleans. His topic was “Writing for Coh-Metrix: A Systematic Approach to Revising Texts to Foster Gist Inferences,” and he is advised by Chris Wolfe. Join me in congratulating Mitch!

All-expenses paid training in computational neuroscience

This would be a great opportunity for graduate students interested in acquiring these techniques. All expenses including airfare and lodging are covered through NIH funding:

We would like to bring to your attention a one-week NIH funded Summer Short Course (14-20 July 2019) titled “Interdisciplinary Training in Computational Neuroscience” for pre- and post docs, medical students, and faculty from Biology, Psychology, Medicine, Engineering, Physics and Math interested in computational neuroscience.

The one-week NIH Summer course is absolutely free to the attendees, with airfare, lodging, meals everything paid by NIH.

We had approximately 70 applicants each year for the 24 positions/year during the past years. They were from multiple disciplines including Biological Sciences, Psychological Sciences, Engineering, Medicine, Physics and Mathematics.

The interdisciplinary computational neuroscience short course includes limited experimental and systems neurophysiology components. The background expected is high school level calculus and programming together with a strong interest in learning about computational/software. One of our goals is to introduce students/ faculty to the process of biologically-based modeling incorporating data related to cellular and synaptic neurophysiology.

The deadline for applications is February 15, 2019. An on-line application form and additional details can be found at the website.

APA Minority Fellowship Program

From the APA, via COGDOP:

Our Minority Fellowship Program (MFP) Fellowships are about more than simply financial support – appointed Fellows join a lifetime community of mentors & peers committed to both professional success and the improvement of ethnic minority behavioral health issues. MFP is a longstanding fellowship program funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). We are committed to increasing the number of ethnic minority professionals in the field and bettering the outcomes of the communities they serve.

Of particular relevance is the Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (MHSAS) Predoctoral Fellowship. Note that this is for those that intend to serve ethnic minority populations, but is not restricted to applicants who identify as ethnic minorities. Deadline is January 15, 2019.

Grad workshops for mentoring RAs

From Joyce Fernandes, Director of Undergraduate Research, the ORU will be hosting two workshops for graduate students to help with mentoring undergraduate research assistants. Both workshops will be held in the AIS (Rm 134) in King Library and will feature light refreshments. Registered attendees also have the chance to win a $10 gift card! You can register for either of the following workshops using this link.

Mentoring Undergraduate Researchers, Nov 14 (12:30 -1:30 pm)
How do you develop a mentoring relationship with your undergraduate researcher over a
period of time, leading them to become incrementally independent? This workshop will
help you to examine your mentoring style and philosophy and provide you with tips for
navigating challenges.

Undergraduate Research as a collaboration with Research Mentors, Nov 28 (5:30-6:30pm)
Recommended for teams/pairs of graduate and undergraduate researchers
How can you get the most out of a research experience that is a collaboration between an
undergraduate researcher and the mentor? This workshop will examine how to align
goals and expectations of the mentor and mentee, as you design and conduct your
research project.

NSF/NIH Graduate fellowships due

The deadlines for the October 25 NSF GRFP and the December 8 NRSA may have many graduate students thinking about these fellowships. Advisors and grad students should know that the department will support students who submit proposals with a $100 submission incentive fund, as well as commitments for reasonable project expenses for proposed research (which the awards often do not). Be sure to see me if you plan to submit for these awards–for statements of support and because I’d like to hear what you’re doing!