NSF Career Award workshop on January 23, 2020

Faculty who are eligible to apply for an NSF CAREER Award may be interested in the following professional development sessions being offered on Thursday, January 23, 2020

  • 9:00am — A two-hour NSF CAREER Award seminar will be presented by Burr Zimmerman of UVG, Ltd. Continental breakfast will be served beginning at 8:30am and the seminar will begin at 9:00am. Registration is required.

  • 1:00pm — A one-hour NSF CAREER Award recipient panel will feature current or past CAREER awardees Mike Brudzinski of Geology & Environmental Earth Science and Dominik Konkolewicz, Gary Lorigan, and Rick Page, all of Chemistry & Biochemistry. Discussion will be moderated by Burr Zimmerman. Registration is required.

  • Afternoon — A very limited number of one-on-one consultations with Burr Zimmerman are available to eligible faculty who are planning to submit an NSF CAREER Award application in 2020. Reservations are required and are available on a first-come/first-served basis — click link below for desired appointment time: