Nominate students for CAS College Ambassadors

From Ted Peters, Assistant Dean in CAS Advising:

We are writing to ask for your help. The College of Arts and Science is once again looking for CAS students who might be willing to serve as College Ambassadors and represent the division at various events on campus. We think our ambassadors are true assets, especially during our Admission recruitment and yield events- without them much of what we do during the Make It Miami events would be lackluster. Your assistance is essential, though. Without your nominations it is near impossible for us to create a thorough, cognate-balanced, list. If you would please share our request for nominations with your departmental colleagues we would greatly appreciate it.

Please submit nominations before Friday, October 5th using this Ambassador Nomination FormAlso, it is important for you to know that students who accept their nomination to serve as a College Ambassadors will also be given the opportunity to join the Deans Student Advisory Council (DSAC). When thinking of nominees, here are some of the characteristics we are looking for:

  • Articulate/comfortable with public speaking
  • Intellectually engaged
  • Average to strong academic record (we do not want only honors students)
  • Interacts well with peers

After we receive your nominations we will contact each student via email, letting them know they have been nominated for the program and give them more information about what our ambassadors do. In this email we tell the student who nominated them, so if you are sending in one list for your entire department please list the nominating faculty member. Many of the ambassadors from past years expressed how excited they were to be nominated and felt it really was an honor to be singled out.

Thank you for your help. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Ginny Engwall or Mike Loeffelman, as they coordinate the Ambassador Program.