Monthly Archives: October 2017

Congrats to our Provost Fellow

Provost Callahan has selected Amanda Diekman as one of the inaugural Provost Fellows!  Amanda will be working on a comprehensive faculty development plan, across all faculty ranks and stages. It will be daunting but something I think Amanda is highly and uniquely qualified to do. Join me in congratulating Amanda and thanking her for such an important task.

Panel, Nov 1: Applying psychology to business and industry

Ginger Wickline has organized a career panel for students interested in marketing, human resources, and industry. This event will be held in Middletown but it will be simulcast in the CPI, 12:00 – 1:00, Wednesday, Nov 1. Students can “learn more about marketing, human resources, statistical analysis, industrial/organizational psychology, business leadership including how psychology classes can help you get there!”

If the technology is willing, students attending in the CPI will have the opportunity to ask questions as well. Speakers include:

Mr. Tim Beatty, President, Bullen Ultrasonic
Mr. Brian George, Personnel Technician, Miami University
Mr. Justin Gregg, Manager, Predictive Analytics, CareSource, Inc.

Thanks to Christina Fitzpatrick for the simulcast and again to Ginger for arranging this great event!


Faculty development opportunity from OARS

From Heather Johnston, OARS:

OARS will be sponsoring a one-day visit by Professor Carl Batt (Cornell University) late in the current semester. On this day, Dr. Batt will present two workshops: one on early career/young investigator programs and one on general grantsmanship. To select a date that works for as many prospective participants as possible, we hope you will take a minute to register your availability in this Doodle poll.

Faculty interested in study abroad

Vaishali recently asked faculty interested in offering or considering study abroad opportunities to contact her, in response to the Global Initiatives call for proposals, due December 1. More information on study abroad can be found here.

Our department has some great experiences and it would be great to find ways to support more faculty offering these opportunities. If you have an interest in exploring this further, please see Vaishali to discuss and assist with your proposal. Ultimately, we might be able to sustain something programmatic involving several faculty.

Students considering departmental honors

From Heather Claypool, departmental honors coordinator:

Current juniors wanting to apply for PSY honors must submit their applications online by Dec 4, 2017. If you have talented first-semester juniors in your lab right now who you think would be good candidates for PSY honors, please talk to them about the program and encourage them to apply. The application is very short and can be filled out online at this link.

The application will ask students to list their PSY and overall GPAs (which will be verified for accuracy), the name of their thesis supervisor (and I will follow-up with you to ensure you have indeed agreed to supervise the student), and a very brief (1-2 sentence) description of their topic area. Students will also be asked if they want to take PSY 400 in Spring 2018 (which is STRONGLY encouraged, but optional). FYI–PSY 400 will be offered on Tues, Thurs from 11:40 AM-1:00 PM (in case students ask).

As in years past, students must have a 3.25 PSY and 3.25 overall GPA to be eligible. I encourage you to ask students about their grades before you encourage them to apply. We’ve had an increasingly high number of students with GPAs well below these targets apply in the last few years.

For students who meet requirements and indicate on the application that they want to take PSY 400, they will be force added to the course. Enrollment in PSY 400 is by force add only and open only to accepted PSY honors students who are juniors.

Please note this important information about the application deadline. If a student applies for PSY honors *after* PSY 400 has begun (i.e., on or after Jan 29, 2018), he or she may still be admitted to the program and be offered the opportunity to do a thesis, but he or she will have forfeited his/her opportunity to take PSY 400. Also, due to holiday travel, I will have very limited opportunity to process honors applications during winter break. Thus, if it is important to you or to the student that he/she takes PSY 400, please make sure he/she submits his/her application on time, by Dec 4, but absolutely no later than Dec 22.

If you have any questions, please stop by or email Heather.

SSC Campus training dates

There are several upcoming dates (below) for the hands-on advisor training (Module 3) for the new advising system, Student Success Collaborative – Campus (SSC Campus). Recall that this system should be used from this point forward, and that starting January 1 only advising activity logged in the system will be fully considered when evaluating faculty advising contributions (i.e., next year’s activities reports). To sign up for one of these sessions, use this link or visit the Advisor Training Canvas site.

October 23, 2017 – 3:30PM (116 Laws)
October 24, 2017 – 11:00AM (WEBEX)
October 26, 2017 – 2:00PM (116 Laws)
October 31, 2017 – 9:00AM (WEBEX)
November 3, 2017 – 1:00PM (WEBEX)
November 15, 2017 – 2:00PM (WEBEX)
November 20, 2017 – 12:30PM (116 Laws)
November 29, 2017 – 3:00PM (WEBEX)
December 4, 2017 – 10:00AM (WEBEX)
December 6, 2017 – 8:30AM (116 Laws)


Grant panel for grad students, Oct. 27

I am planning to reserve one of the Friday afternoon slots each semester for programming that will contribute to our graduate students’ professional development. The first of these events is next Friday, October 27, 3:00 – 4:00+ in 125.

Specifically, this will be a panel of faculty, students, and staff on grant writing for graduate fellowships. It will include the perspective of students who have successfully competed for these awards (Lisa Velkoff, Annie Kalomiris), faculty who have mentored student recipients (Heather Claypool, April Smith), faculty who have served on relevant award panels (Robin Thomas, Jay Smart, Heather Claypool, me) and staff with considerable expertise in identifying and securing grant funding (Cricket Meehan, Anne Schauer).

My hope is to present some of the challenges and success strategies for grants submission, as well as make the process seem a little less “mysterious.” Although this panel will be tailored towards popular funding mechanisms like the NSF GRFP and NIH F31, it should be more widely applicable as well.

Networking opportunity for your top students

Miami sponsors an honor called 18 of the last 09, where they bring back exceptional, impactful alumni (specifically, eighteen of them within the last nine years). They are asking for student nominations to be considered for a selective dinner with these honorees, which this year includes an NFL head coach and several entrepreneurs.

If you have students who you think would benefit from this unique networking opportunity, please send me nominations including the name, major(s), year, and a sentence or two on why they should be invited.