Support the grad students! #MoveInMiami

Graduate students attend a conference in Chicago

Psychology graduate students in Chicago

Each year, Miami coordinates a one-day fundraising campaign, #MoveInMiami. Departments, programs, and organizations are encouraged to propose specific programming they would like to target for contributions through the campaign. These focal “projects” are promoted on the first-year move-in date on Thursday, August 24 to parents, alumni, and the Miami community.

We have selected to focus on the Graduate Student Travel Fund. As you know, Cecilia and Amy set up this fund specifically to augment the available university funds for graduate students to attend and present at conferences. We will also be supporting the undergraduate neuroscience curriculum in a separate project.

A big component of the campaign has been promoting projects through social media. University accounts, President Crawford, and alumni networks will all be publicizing the campaign, and faculty are encouraged to consider joining in through social media platforms as they see fit.

Often these campaigns are run with goals and/or challenges that we might discuss closer to move-in. In the past it has been a successful (“record-breaking”) way to generate enthusiasm and support for all kinds of programs across the university. More to come…