Fighting Addiction and Stigma in Wartime Ukraine

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By Ben Simms Wars can often exacerbate preexisting crises. Defending your country against invaders creates areas of neglect and powerlessness to provide for some people facing health issues. Russia’s war on Ukraine has proven no exception. Many Ukrainians dependent on … Continue reading

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The Long Life of Russia’s Gay Propaganda Law

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By Brendan Weinberg The Russian federal law passed by the Russian State Duma in 2013 was officially called “For the Purpose of Protecting Children from Information Advocating a Denial of Traditional Family Values.” It is known better in the west … Continue reading

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The Death of Pan-Slavism

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By Ana Davis The age of Slavic brotherhood has come to an end. Someone should inform Moscow and Belgrade. It is June 2, 1848. Intellectuals from nearly every Slavic nation gather in Prague to discuss the future of their peoples … Continue reading

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Preserving the Past in Lukashenko’s Belarus

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By Laurel Myers In the year since Russia launched the full-scale invasion of Ukraine the eyes of the world have largely remained on this war. A third actor— the neighboring nation of Belarus— has played an integral role in the … Continue reading

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Estonia: A Hidden Gem for Students of Russian

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By Grace Peconge When I tell people that I am studying Russian, they automatically think that I would like to travel to Russia. While Russia is a beautiful country that provides many opportunities for immersive learning, it is certainly not … Continue reading

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J-Term in Tallinn

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By Charles Fair My experience at the Tallinn Winter School was one of new cultural perspectives and a greater appreciation of the academic rigor to learn the Russian language. The Russian language course through Tallinn University allowed me to use … Continue reading

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