Category Archives: Miami Alumni

Searching for “Capitalism” in Russia and the Soviet Union

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  By Luke Stanek The word “capitalism” is used constantly in contemporary American political discourse, mostly with positive connotation, to describe either the American system of governance and economics, or some ideal to attain through that system.  But when the … Continue reading

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What Does Putin Want?

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From Super Putin vs The World: By Ivan Grek “Who is Mr. Putin?” For a long time this question preoccupied western media and western analysts, who offered a range of answers in order to comprehend the behavior of the … Continue reading

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Friday Night Lights in Moscow

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The author coaching American football in Moscow. By Keary Iarussi “So you play rugby?” – that is the question most Russians ask when I tell them I’m involved with American football here. And when I tell people back home, I’m … Continue reading

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Returning to Kazakhstan

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The author with a portrait of Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev By Jonathon Dreeze             Despite having been in Kazakhstan twice before, I had never visited the country’s capital, Astana. My dissertation is on Soviet propaganda in Central Asia, specifically Kazakhstan … Continue reading

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Ghosts of Katyn: Russia, Poland, and the Troubled Road to Reconciliation

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Entrance to the Katyn Memorial.   By Harrison King Western Russia is awash with Soviet war memorials. Virtually every inhabited area between Moscow and Belarus is home to at least one monument dedicated to Red Army soldiers or civilians who … Continue reading

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An American in the Urals

Check out 2014 Miami graduate Keary Iarussi featured in a local television program from Ekaterinburg, Russia, where he is spending the year teaching English and coaching American football:

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