Russia: The Other Headlines, October 13-17

Irina Prokhorova has to step down from her leader position in the Civic Platform party. It is unclear if she will stay as a member of the Council, as the party is now heading in a different direction.

RBC research. Russian chinovniki (civil servants) – how many of them there are and what is their average income

The Second Cold War – title of the interview with Nikolai Patrushev, head of  Security Council of Russia and former FSB head.

Financial Ministry proposes to shift funding from leading universities to Crimean universities and youth camps.

Putin held a meeting with Poroshenko in Milan. No progress in the negotiations on gas has been achieved.

Alexey Navalny in his long interview with Echo Moscow gave his view on Crimea – “What, is the Crimea a ham sandwich or something that you can take and give it back?”

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